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Общемосковский научный семинар «Математические методы анализа и выбора решений»

Мероприятие завершено

17 сентября в 16.30 в Национальном исследовательском университете «Высшая школа экономики» состоится очередное заседание общемосковского научного семинара «Математические методы анализа и выбора решений».

Руководители семинара:

  1. Доклад «Absence-proofness: A new cooperative stability concept».
    Докладчик: Эмре Доан (Emre Doğan) (Международная лаборатория анализа и выбора решений, НИУ ВШЭ).

We introduce a new cooperative stability concept, absence-proofness (AP). Given an allocation problem in a society , and a solution well defined for all subsocieties, a group of people  may benefit by leaving a subgroup  “out” of the allocation process. After the allocation takes place in the society , agents in  may reallocate what they received, plus ’s endowments (if they have any) among all of . This reallocation is profitable if it is Pareto superior to what  would get in the society  had  not been left aside. We call the solutions that are immune to this kind of manipulations absence-proof. Absence-proofness implies core stability by definition. In fair division problems, where core has no bite, AP imposes core-like participation constraints on solutions. In both fair division problems and TU games, well-known population-monotonicity (PM) property implies AP. Although solutions that are AP but not PM exist for very specific problems, our work suggests that these properties have very close formal implications. In exchange economies with private endowments we provide many negative results. Particularly, the Walrasian allocation rule is manipulable.

      1. Доклад «On Manipulation from an Unacceptable Social Choice to an Acceptable One».

Докладчик: Бора Эрдамар (Bora Erdamar) (Международная лаборатория анализа и выбора решений, НИУ ВШЭ).

Соавторы: Ремзи Санвер (​Remzi  Sanver, Istanbul Bilgi University) и Шин Сато (Shin Sato, Fukuoka University)

Non-manipulability in collective decision making problems has been analyzed mainly through the axiom of strategy-proofness. In this paper, we propose a new concept of non-manipulability. We postulate that each agent misreports his preferences if and only if the misrepresentation leads to a change of the social outcome from an unacceptable one for this agent to an acceptable one. For the formulation of this idea the preference-approval framework is used. Possibility and impossibility results for the existence of a non-manipulable rule are provided.

Язык мероприятия: английский (без перевода).

Начало в 16.30.

Адрес: ул. Шаболовка, д. 26, корп. 5, ауд. 5306.

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