Demographic Review. English selection - 2017.
In the issue: The Russian revolution of 1917 through the prism of demographic modernization. Mortality from cardiovascular diseases and life expectancy in Russia. HIV/AIDS is reducing the number of Russians and their life expectancy. The contraceptive revolution in Russia. Russians in the republics of the North Caucasus: frontiers of geo-demographic retreat (the first half of the 21st century). Alexander Kulischer on the demographic future of Russia.
Demographic Review #3
In the issue: Rethinking the contemporary history of fertility: family, state, and the world system. Attitudes to pronatalist policy measures according to the data of the 2015 micro-census. Fertility in the republic of Moldova: European trends and national particularities. Normative attitudes to family and gender: Russian-speakers in Latvia and Estonia in a comparative perspective (based on the 2018 surveys). An evaluation of the prevalence of malignant neoplasms in Russia using an incidence-mortality model. Armenians of Russia: geo-demographic trends of the past, modern realities and prospects. Demographic development in the post-Soviet states. Review of the book “Demographic development of post-Soviet space”. Spatial pulsations of the population of modern Russia.
Demographic Review #2
In the issue: On the limits of application of the UN population projections. Population projections in Germany. Population microcensuses in Russia: past, present and future. Family and household in Russia: the demographic aspect. Rural-urban migration in the USSR in the 1920s. Alexander Kulischer on the demographic future of Russia. Precious children, poor mothers. From expanse to space: the search for geography in a book on geography.
Demographic Review #1
In the issue: The relationship between mortality and economic development in Russia and its regions. Life expectancy of elderly in Russia depending on educational status. Global demographic theory. The demographic transition and the hypothesis of hyperbolic population growth. Matrimonial behavior of Russians in a European context. An integrated approach to cause-of-death analysis: cause-deleted life tables and decompositions of life expectancy.
Demographic Review #4
In the issue: Fertility in the families of migrants: data, hypotheses, and models (foreign literature review). Adaptation of migrant children in the schools of Moscow and the Moscow region. Orthodox self-identification and the distribution of birthdays of VK users. Why there is no significant difference between the distributions of births by dates of orthodox Christians and of non-orthodox. Dynamics of attitudes in the sphere of intimate relationships in Russia. Demographic history of the Ukrainians of Primorsky krai 1897-2010: from the «Zeleny кlin» core to assimilation.
Demographic Review #3
In the issue: The Russian revolution of 1917 through the prism of demographic modernization. Personal psychological resources and health inequalities: the strength of the buffer effect in European countries. Child malnutrition in Africa: statistical analysis and modeling of factors. Russians in the republics of the North Caucasus: frontiers of geo-demographic retreat (the first half of the 21st century). Estimating military losses: a search for truth, ignorance or bias? The values of the elderly and the political consequences of the global aging of the population. Perspectives on population-based prostate cancer screening.
Demographic Review #2
In the issue: Determinants of the demographic transition in the Global South. New population policy in China: «One family – two children». The demographic modernization of Iran (from the second half of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century). How robotics and labor-saving technologies impact population change: trends and scenarios. International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th‒ the first third of the 20th century. International migration in the USSR in 1923-1930. Fertility in advanced societies: a review of research.
Demographic Review #1
In the issue: Contraceptive revolution inRussia. Assisted reproductive technologies: new opportunities. HIV/AIDS reduces the number of Russians and their life expectancy. The effect of the 2011 statistics reform on the estimations of youth migration intensity: a cohort-component analysis. International migration in Russia (the Ussr) during the end of the 19th‒ the first third of the 20th century. Part 2. International migration in Russia in the era of the "Great Crisis" (1914-1922). How was born the "soviet patriarchy". The care of children in foundling hospitals. Legal status of migrants and its influence on the Russian labor market.
Demographic Review #4
In the issue: Modest demographic results of the pronatalist family policy in the context of long-term evolution of fertility in Russia. Public policies of active ageing: evidence from the world experience. Interregional migration in Russia: age characteristics. International migration in Russia (the USSR) during the end of the 19th‒ the first third of the 20th century. The epidemiological transition in Russia: historical sight. Estimating number of children in villages of Dagestan: a comparison of data sources.
Demographic Review #3
In the issue: The modest results of the pronatalist policy against the background of long-term evolution of fertility in Russia. Mortality in Moscow and other megacities of the world: similarities and differences. Influence of demographic transformation in the system of private intergenerational transfers. Rejuvenation of the motherhood in Dagestan: a tendency or an artefact? Tatars of the Ryazan region in the XX century: geography of settlement, population dynamics, migration trends. The use of population registers for recording and analysis of cohabitation.