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Vishnevsky Institute of Demography

Migration from the Newly Independent States: 25 years after the collapse of the USSR

Edited by: M. B. Denisenko, S. Strozza, M. Light.

Springer, 2020.

The Driving Factors for the Rise of African Student Migration to Russia

Mohammed Y. A., Denisenko M. B.

Высшее образование в России. 2024. Vol. 33. No. 7. P. 84-99.

Book chapter
Development of a Visualization Tool for the Occurrence of Life Events on the Demographic Lexis Grid

Mitrofanova E., Ignatov D. I., Tatyana Maximova et al.

In bk.: Recent Trends in Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: 11th International Conference, AIST 2023, Yerevan, Armenia, September 28–30, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, 2024. P. 301-308.

Working paper
Isolating a Culture of Son Preference Among Armenian, Georgian, and Azeri Parents in Soviet-Era Russia

Schief M., Vogt S., Churilova E. et al.

CESifo working paper. CESifo Group Munich, 2023. No. 10516.

The Institute of Demography of NRU HSE (IDEM) was established in February 2007. The history of the Institute as a research center actually began almost 20 years earlier, in 1988, within the walls of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The immediate predecessor of IDEM NRU HSE was the Center of Demography and Human Ecology of the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences. IDEM is a scientific and educational institution. The Institute’s goals: the conduct of fundamental scientific research, the improvement of its methodology, and the training of scientific personnel. Simultaneously with the formation of the Institute in 2007, the interfaculty Department of Demography was set up within it, and in 2009 the Scientific-Educational Laboratory on Socio-Demographic Policy was opened. A master’s program on demography is being run within the Institute.


"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1047 – 1048

In the issue: Migration in Russia in the first half of 2024. Net migration in the population of Russia for January-June 2024 decreased to 65 thousand people, including up to 30 thousand people in population exchange with other countries. Russia received its largest migration increase for January-June 2024, as in 2021-2023, in population exchange with Tajikistan. According to the Border Service of the FSB of Russia, the number of foreign citizens who arrived in Russia for work purposes exceeded 4.5 million people in 2023. The volume of migration within Russia decreased in January-June 2024 by 5% in terms of the number of arrivals and by 4% in terms of the number of departures. In January-June 2024, migration exchange with CIS countries increased the population of 48 of the 85 regions-subjects of the federation, and migration exchange with other regions of Russia - 23. The number of people granted temporary asylum in Russia decreased to 13.9 thousand people by mid-2024. Family studies in school: pros and cons. Half of Russians support ban on childfree propaganda, while 74% oppose introduction of tax on childlessness. Fear of contracting coronavirus has decreased to the level of fear of the flu. Let’s move for work? Not just Moscow and St. Petersburg. Top 5 best cities for a career include Yekaterinburg, Tyumen and Kazan. Sources of primary data for official statistics. Changing priorities. Meeting of the Statistical Section of the Central House of Scientists. Happy anniversary to Oksana Vyacheslavovna Sinyavskaya.

Demographic Review #3 2024

In the issue: Alcohol and alcohol policy in Russia over the last 150 years. Parity transition in fertility in a long historical perspective. Families with children during the first two years of life: diversity of situations and changing family configurations in France from a longitudinal follow-up study of the 2011 birth cohort. Regional characteristics of birth control in Russia In 2018-2022. Crime of foreign migrants in Russia: facts and speculation. What kind of family in Russia lives well? A study of the relationship between family decision-making and well-being.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1045 – 1046

In the issue: Demographic results of the first half of 2024 in Russia (part II). In the first half of 2024, the number of deaths increased compared to the same period in 2023, exceeding 921,000 people, or 12.7 per 1,000 people. Life expectancy at birth increased in 2023 to 73.4 years, exceeding the pre-pandemic level of 2019. In 2023, mortality from external causes, diseases of the digestive system, neoplasms, and some infectious and parasitic diseases increased. According to data for the first half of 2024, infant mortality was 4.0‰ in annual terms. Maternal mortality in 2023 increased again, amounting to 13.3 per 100 thousand live births. Russians' views on parenting. Online dating, or Romance in the digital age. Less than 1% of Russians surveyed consider a housewife to be the ideal role for a girl. Women in politics: VTsIOM monitoring. Career growth leads women to divorce 1.5 times more often than men. Mandatory consultation with a psychologist before divorce: 42% of divorced people approve, 45% are against. 95th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Samoilovich Akhiezer. Congratulations to Ekaterina Sharepina on the birth of her son. Expedition of the HSE Department of Social Sciences "Population migration in settlements between two or more large centers: what determines its scale and direction?" Collective diary of participants.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1043 – 1044

In the issue: Demographic results of the first half of 2024 in Russia (part I). According to results of the first half of 2024, population decline in Russia increased by 1.8 times compared to the same period in 2023. Natural decline increased in January-June 2024, amounting to -4.4‰ in annual terms; migration growth decreased to 0.9‰. According to estimates at the beginning of 2024, the number of elderly people aged 65 and older almost equaled the number of children under 15, amounting to 17.1% and 17.2% of the population of Russia, respectively. The number of births continues to decline: 590,500 people were born in January-June 2024, 2.7% less than in the same period of 2023. Total fertility rate remains at 1.4 children per woman. The number of marriages registered in January-June 2024 decreased by 3.1%, divorces - by 4.8%. Family and work. Large families. Smoke without fire, or the culture of smoking in Russia. Where is it better to live: in the city or in the village? More than half of doctors support banning migrants from working in medicine. 110 years since the birth of Ilya Grigorievich Venetsky. Initiation into demographers - 2024.

'Motivation for Pursuing Big Goals in Life': What is Taught in 'Population and Development' Master's Programme

In 2023, the Master's Programme 'Population and Development' was ranked among the top educational programmes at HSE University. The HSE News Service explains what makes this programme special, and why specialists in population issues should study Python, housing policy, and public administration.

'Those Who Choose Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, or Governance Today Cannot Do without IT'

HSE Faculty of Social Sciences celebrates its tenth anniversary

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1029 – 1030

In the issue: Older generations of Russians, 2024. Reproductive health of Russians: men vs. women. One in six Russians rates state family policy highly, one in three believes its effectiveness has increased. Russians on technologies in medicine and chipping. Emigration sentiments and attitudes towards those who left: March 2024. Housing for a young family: from needs to plans. Russians say at what age they would like to retire. 130 years since the birth of Boleslav Yakovlevich Smulevich.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1027 – 1028

In the issue: Morbidity rate in the population of Russia, 2022-2023. Fewer men willing to go on maternity leave instead of their wives. Is family happiness in the hands of the employer? New Year gifts and benefits for the birth of a child: how employers support employees with children. Emigration sentiments: monitoring by VTsIOM. Wanderlust: one in four persons surveyed plans to change their place of residence. "Man from the Third Billion": an evening in memory of Anatoly Grigorievich Vishnevsky. 245th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Gompertz. 90 years since the birth of Gerard Kahlo.

"Demoscope Weekly" ## 1025 – 1026

In the issue: Migration in Russia, preliminary results for 2023. Roles of men and women in the family. Is an apartment for the kids the parents’ duty? Most adult Russians prefer to live separately from their parents. Z and Alpha: basic attitudes of generations. On the religiosity of Russians. Only 44% of employers have no bias against hiring pensioners. Happy birthday to Olga Sergeevna Chudinovskikh. Demographic policy in the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War (1939-1945). Meeting of the Demographic Section of the Central House of Scientists.

Demographic Review #1 2024

In the issue: Mortality and fertility in the 19th century on the territory of the European part of the Russian Empire within the borders of the Russian Federation in 1926. Unmet needs for health care in Russia: findings from the 2022 Public health monitoring survey. Prevalence of tobacco consumption in the Russian Federation: analysis of trends in 2019 - 2022. Socio-economic risks of the stigmatization of HIV-positive persons using the example of college students. Children of migrants in Russia: the need for integrative educational support. Armenians of southern Russia – modern geodemographic dynamics of regional communities (2010s – early 2020s).

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