Research Seminar "Population and Development"
Category 'Best Course for Broadening Horizons and Diversity of Knowledge and Skills'
Category 'Best Course for New Knowledge and Skills'
Compulsory course (Population and Development)
Area of studies:
Public Administration
Delivered by:
Department of Demography
Faculty of Social Sciences
2 year, 1-4 module
Mode of studies:
Vasiliy A. Anikin,
Dmitry Jdanov,
Konstantin Kazenin,
Vladimir A. Kozlov,
Vladimir Shkolnikov
Master’s programme:
Population and Development
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
Research Seminar (RS) is a "playground" for academic communication between the students and the staff of the Institute of Demography and Department of Social Sciences, visiting scholars and the staff of other departments at HSE. A guided development of research pa-pers within the seminar environment provides a foundation to shape basic academic skills: critical reading and reviewing, academic writing and ethics, mutual learning, widening of sci-entific specialization, team-working, collaborative implementation of research projects. There-fore, the purpose of the RS is to develop research skills and apply these skills to conduct own research and write the thesis.
Learning Objectives
- The objectives of the seminar are: • to provide a smooth transition from learning to conducting own research; • to guide students in choosing appropriate research directions and topics; • to form understanding of professional activity perspectives and possible directions of pro-fessional implementation; • to enlighten related research fields; • to deepen understanding of the academic activity: well-organized process of searching and re-viewing theoretical and methodological literature, justifying the goal, research questions, meth-ods, stating the hypotheses, selection of relevant methodology and evaluation of its con-straints; • To develop academic writing skills and text reviewing; • to advance presentation skills for further reporting within thesis defence procedure, con-ference talks or poster-reports; • to enhance skills of analytical work in small groups, group- discussions; • to practice academic discussion, moderation, constructive criticism of others' opinions and pro-vision of extensive written and verbal feedback to one’s assignments; adequate self-evaluation; • to form skills of elaboration and writing of the term paper and qualification thesis – i.e. the de-sign of the structure, the style of presentation, the ways of presenting statistical infor-mation and research results etc.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- The student knows strategies of an application
- The student knows additional methods useful for demography and development studies
- the student knows how to present data or results in visual manner
- the student knows how to ground a policy recommendation, outline of a policy paper
- The student knows how to use and summarize the empirical results of the paper
- The student can organize the predefence of the paper as a public presentation
Course Contents
- PredefencesThe practical defence of the preliminary version of the presentation and predefence of the thesis
- Advanced data analysis and empirical resultsAdditional models for quntitative analysis and methods of qualitative analysis, and interpretation of the results
- Interpretation of results in an academic studyDiscussion chapter, theoretical implications, Conclusion Policy recommendations
- Data and empirical results presentationMap-making (QGIS), visualisation (with different packages: Excel, SPSS, Stata)
- Advanced methods and topic in P&D studiesNon-government organizations, Demographic methods in Stata, Data quality
- Application as an academic genreApplications to the academic grants, scholarships, PhD programmes, internships
Assessment Elements
- Abstract50% for presentation and 50% for the abstract itself
- Map-making task
- Empirical part essay
- Participation
- Predefense (Oral presentation 10-15 minutes and questions from the jury)Не является экзаменом
- Review of a group-mate predefence
- Visualization task
- Map-making task
- Empirical part essay
- Conclusion and discussion task
- Predefense (Oral presentation 10-15 minutes and questions from the jury)Не является экзаменом
- Review of a group-mate predefence
Interim Assessment
- Interim assessment (1 module)0.5 * Abstract + 0.5 * Map-making task
- Interim assessment (4 module)0.1 * Abstract + 0.25 * Empirical part essay + 0.1 * Map-making task + 0.1 * Participation + 0.35 * Predefense (Oral presentation 10-15 minutes and questions from the jury) + 0.1 * Review of a group-mate predefence
Recommended Core Bibliography
- 6, P., & Bellamy, C. (2012). Principles of Methodology : Research Design in Social Science. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Theobald, T. (2019). Develop Your Presentation Skills : How to Inspire and Inform with Clarity and Confidence (Vol. Fourth edition). London: Kogan Page. Retrieved from