
Contemporary Forms of Protectionism
Elective course (World Economy)
Area of studies:
Delivered by:
Department of Trade Policy
4 year, 1, 2 module
Mode of studies:
distance learning
Tatyana Mihaylovna Isachenko,
Alexander Larionov,
Maxim Y. Medvedkov,
Alexey Portanskiy,
Oleg Vladimirovich Savelyev
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
The emergence of a new regulatory environment (global – regional – national), including Russia's membership in the WTO, has a direct impact on the international competitiveness of Russian business: new opportunities open up for some industries, and threats arise for others. It should be recognized that employees of state institutions responsible or involved in decision-making in the field of regulation of foreign economic activity do not have the necessary level of advanced theoretical knowledge, practical skills, knowledge of the "best world experience".
Learning Objectives
- Studies the impact of the evolution of trade policy instruments (including foreign economic policy in General) on long-term trends in various sectors of international trade and international competition conditions.
- Develops practical skills of development and decision-making in this area both at the level of the state and business.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Works with trade data bases.
- Finds information on trade data bases.
- Describes the current trends and problems in the use of TBT and SPS measures.
- Illustrates the role of company standards in shaping market access conditions.
- Highlights the main features of the development of the international legal framework in this area.
- Describes the main directions of development of export subsidies and support.
- Reviews the legal framework of the WTO in the field of subsidies and export support.
- Reviews the main trends and directions of export support and subsidies practice.
- Evaluates the ratio of regionalism and multilateralism in terms of long-term prospects for international trade.
- Describes the problems of emergence and prevention of barriers and effects of disintegration of international trade in the development of regional cooperation.
- Illustrates the current trends in the development of international investment regulation.
- Reviews investment issues in the WTO.
- Reviews the legal framework in the field of marine biological resources, multilateral agreements in this area.
- Reviews the interests of the Russian Federation in the use of marine biological resources.
- Reviews the prospects for change in the WTO rules in the area of subsidies in fisheries.
- Describes the role of governmental commercial enterprises in ensuring the interests of national business.
- Reviews international legal framework in the regulation of governmental commercial enterprises.
- Illustrates the relationship between trade and environmental regulation.
- Reviews environmental issues in the WTO and other institutions.
- Reviews the practice of regulation of public procurement in different groups of countries.
- Illustrates the opportunities and practice of using public procurement as a means of supporting national business within the WTO rules.
- Reviews the problems of Russia's participation in the WTO agreement on public procurement.
- Reviews the history and practice of using political sanctions in the sphere of trade.
- Reviews the international legal framework regarding the sanctions policy.
- Describes the main types of sanctions.
- Evaluates the effectiveness and economic impact of sanctions.
- Describes the relationship between the application of sanctions and the rules of the WTO multilateral system.
- Describes the theoretical foundations and tools for analyzing the impact of the exchange rate on trade development and competitiveness.
- Illustrates the practice of using currency dumping.
- Illusrtates the interrelation of problems of currency dumping and WTO and IMF rules.
- Describes mechanisms of international payments regulation which impact trade development.
Course Contents
- The standards of enterprises as a main instrument of protectionism and other measures of TBT and SPS.Current trends and problems in the use of TBT and SPS measures and the development of the technical regulation system as a whole in order to increase the level of international competitiveness. The role of company standards in shaping market access conditions. The war of standards practice. Modern mechanisms and practice of ensuring international harmonisation in the field of TBT and SPS. The main features of the development of the international legal framework in this area.
- Subsidies and export support as a tools of modern protectionism.Practice and main directions of development of export subsidies and support. Experience of negotiations in this sphere within the WTO and the main directions of development of conceptual approaches and legal framework of the WTO in the field of subsidies and export support. Main trends and directions of export support and subsidies practice. OECD practice.
- The opportunities for protectionism in case of creating RTA.The impact of the establishment of RTA on developments and shifts in international trade. The ratio of regionalism and multilateralism in terms of long-term prospects for international trade. Problems of emergence and prevention of barriers and effects of disintegration of international trade in the development of regional cooperation. The experience of efforts to create a mega-RTAS and the problems of mega-RTA. Prerequisites for using the potential of RTA in terms of removing barriers in global trade and promoting trade at the bilateral and global levels.
- Investment regimes and protectionism. The attempts and the problems of multilateral investment regulation.Current trends in the development of international investment regulation. Mechanisms for using investment regimes as a tool of protectionism. Problems of development of multilateral instruments of investment regulation. Investment issues in the WTO. Attempts to develop multilateral mechanisms and legal framework in this area.
- The review of data bases on trade barriers and non-tariff measures.
- The regulating instruments of marine biodiversity, multilateral agreements in this sphere.Legal framework in the field of marine biological resources, multilateral agreements in this area. Interests of the Russian Federation in the use of marine biological resources. The prospects for change in the WTO rules in the area of subsidies in fisheries.
- State trading enterprises in the system of modern protectionism.The role of governmental commercial enterprises in ensuring the interests of national business. International legal framework in the regulation of governmental commercial enterprises. The practice of resolving trade disputes in this area.
- Environmental protectionism.The relationship between trade and environmental regulation. Modern views on the impact of environmental regulation on the level of competitiveness. The position of certain groups of countries on the use of environmental problems factors in trade regulation. Environmental issues in the WTO and other institutions.
- Government procurement as an instrument of protectionism and the support of the national business.Practice of regulation of public procurement in different groups of countries. International trade regulation and public procurement. Opportunities and practice of using public procurement as a means of supporting national business within the WTO rules. Problems of Russia's participation in the WTO agreement on public procurement.
- Trade sanctions policy as an instrument of impact on international trade.History and practice of using political sanctions in the sphere of trade. The international legal framework regarding the sanctions policy. Typification of sanctions. Approaches to assessing the effectiveness and economic impact of sanctions. The relationship between the application of sanctions and the rules of the WTO multilateral system.
- Currency dumping and instruments of the exchange rate and the balance of payments regulation.Theoretical foundations and tools for analyzing the impact of the exchange rate on trade development and competitiveness. The practice of using currency dumping. Interrelation of problems of currency dumping and WTO and IMF rules.
- International payments regulation as an instrument of impact on trade.Mechanisms of international payments regulation which impact trade development. International legal framework in this area. The OECD codes.
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Sheldon, I. M., Chow, D. C. K., & McGuire, W. (2018). Trade Liberalization and Constraints on Moves to Protectionism: Multilateralism vs. Regionalism. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(5), 1375–1390.
- Глобальное экономическое регулирование : учебник для вузов, Зуев, В. Н., 2009
- Международные экономические организации : регулирование мирохозяйственных связей и предпринимательской деятельности, Герчикова, И. Н., 2001
- Ханин, М. С. Структурная перестройка в мировой экономике и протекционизм [Электронный ресурс] : Учеб. пос. / М. С. Ханин. - М. : МГАВТ, 2012. - 34 с. - Режим доступа:
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- The collapse of global trade, murky protectionism, and the crisis : recommendations for the G20 / ed. by Richard Baldwin ... Centre for Economic Policy Research. (2009). London. Retrieved from