
Language, Culture and Intercultural Communication
Delivered by:
Department of Foreign Languages
1, 2 module
Open to:
students of all HSE University campuses
ECTS credits:
Contact hours:
Course Syllabus
This course introduces students to the key concepts related to languages, cultures and intercultural communication, which are fundamental to language learning and teaching. It will focus on the social and cultural contexts of languages and how language reflects culture and society, and what this means for communication and language teaching. In the part that focuses on intercultural communication, the students will build cultural awareness and will learn how to communicate effectively with members of other cultures, including business settings, and how best to approach and deal with intercultural problems and challenges. The course will also focus on such topics as the theory of linguistic relativity, language varieties, English accents and dialects, endangered languages, language policy and language and power. In addition, this course will review basic linguistic concepts related to language teaching.
Learning Objectives
- To develop knowledge of key concepts related to languages, cultures and intercultural communication, which are fundamental to language learning and teaching;
- To develop/improve cultural awareness;
- To improve intercultural communication skills;
- To develop the skill of analyzing language for teaching purposes;
- To improve academic presentation skills.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- The students will develop knowledge of key concepts related to languages, cultures and intercultural communication, which are fundamental to language learning and teaching;
- the students will develop/improve cultural awareness;
- the students will improve intercultural communication skills;
- the students will develop the skill of analyzing language for teaching purposes;
- the students will improve academic presentation skills.
Course Contents
- Language, Society, and Culture
- Culture and Cultural Diversity
- Communication Styles in Intercultural Communication
- Noise/Interference in Communication Processes
- Approaches to Cultural Studies. Intercultural Business Communication
- Assessing One’s Level of Intercultural Awareness and Intelligence
- The Theory of Linguistic Relativity
- Sociolinguistics. Regional Language Variation
- Sociolinguistics. Words and Culture
- Persuasive Language
- Bilingualism and Language Policy
- The Components of Language
- Phonetics and Phonology: The Sounds of Language
- Morphology: The Analysis of Words
- Syntax: The analysis of sentences. Pedagogical Grammar
- Semantics and Pragmatics
- Discourse and discourse analysis
Assessment Elements
- Tests/quizzes3. Tests, quizzes, homework Assessment criteria Assessment criteria vary for each task
- Online gameHow Different is Different (online game) Assessment criteria • More than 50% - pass, less than 50% - fail.
- Classroom interaction/homework
- Language Analysis5. Language analysis. The students will analyze their presentation text for teaching purposes: they will discuss phonological, morphological, syntactic and discursive features in their written paper. Assessment criteria: Quality of meaning analysis: 30% Quality of form analysis: 30% Quality of pronunciation analysis: 30% Quality of analysis of register (appropriate use): 10%
- Project PresentationExam
Interim Assessment
- 2022/2023 2nd module0.15 * Tests/quizzes + 0.25 * Project Presentation + 0.25 * Online game + 0.2 * Language Analysis + 0.15 * Classroom interaction/homework
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Novinger, T. (2001). Intercultural Communication : A Practical Guide: Vol. 1st ed. University of Texas Press.
- Randy Charles. (2018). Communication Skills. National Highlights Inc.
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Agarwal, O. P. (2010). Effective Communication: Vol. Rev. ed. Himalaya Publishing House.