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The state management of social sphere in Russia: efficiency program-target method

Student: Litinskaya Anastasiya

Supervisor: Andrey S. Akhremenko

Faculty: Faculty of Politics

Educational Programme: Master

Year of Graduation: 2014

The work was performed in order to identify the degree of efficiency of the use of program-target method in implementation of Federal target programs (FTP) social orientation in modern Russia.The goal was carried out in the following research tasks:1. To determine the specifics of state control in the field of social sphere;2. To analyze the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of the efficiency of state management in the field of social sphere;3. To reveal the essence of the program-target method of management within the framework of state regulation of social policy;4. To create a methodology to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the Federal target program of social orientation, defining and explaining the system generalizing indicators of the state of the social sphere, identifying criteria analysis;5. To analyze the efficiency of the system of social management program-target method in modern Russia;6. To reveal the dynamics of development of main social target indicators of the Federal program on the basis of the analysis.After finishing work with the following results were obtained:Social sphere is considered as a stable region of human activities on reproduction of his life: reproduction, production and development of the means of life to meet their needs. This approach allows you to reach all three parties of social activity and determine the specifics of state management of social sphere as creation of conditions for reproduction of the population, which implies a complex character of the state decisions taken in virtue of the laws of the processes of functioning and development of the sphere. The efficiency of state management of social sphere is calculated by the ratio of costs and results, includes the criteria on the improvement of which is aimed actions of state authorities on the implementation of this programme. Criteria and indicators stipulated in the text of the Federal program, are divided into economic and technical and examined with regard to their social importance. Efficiency rating also reflects the degree of deviation from the norm criteria under their planned values. Moreover, in the result of the analysis established that the degree of deviation unrealized indicators from their originally specified values influences the final result of the effectiveness of program implementation. Despite the wide use of program-target method of management in Russia at the present time, the implementation of the Federal target program of social orientation hardly be called efficient and transparent. In addition to material deviation of the final results of planned, there are problems with the amount of unrealized indicators, quality of reporting and accessibility of summary data. Moreover, even in case of successful realization of program, making it difficult to assess its contribution to the improvement of the social sphere in General. Thus, long-term Federal program, being one of the key instruments for implementing the state management functions and policies, in some cases not able to achieve its objectives the improvement of socio-economic indicators of the country's development, despite the managerial efficiency of their execution. The hypothesis of research suggesting that the status and dynamics of development of social sphere reflect the efficiency of realization of the program-target method of state control, revealed with the help of the developed system of indicators refuted. As a further study of this subject are the following:• finding mechanisms to enhance the implementation of the Federal target program of social orientation, accountability and transparency;• investigation of the reasons of absence of positive dynamics of key target indicators of the program in case of its effective implementation.

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