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Problems of implementing innovations in organisations, providing market research

Student: Bugrov Andrej

Supervisor: Viktor G. Rozhdestvensky

Faculty: Faculty of Management (Nizhny Novgorod)

Educational Programme: Master

Year of Graduation: 2014

<div>This work aims at improving innovation at Russian enterprises , conducting marketing research, its effectiveness and develop recommendations for future implementation in the activities .</div><div>Theoretical basis of the work amounted to domestic and foreign scholars and experts in the field of marketing, reflecting the main trends in the development of advertising and its regulation. We used the following methods : a critical analysis of legal acts , the method of statistical analysis , quantitative and qualitative analysis , semantic analysis . Empirical base served Goskomstat data , analytical centers of Russia and abroad , official resources of rating agencies.</div><div>In this paper we consider the market marketing activities abroad and in Russia , the relationship between its subjects , the peculiarities of the market at the present stage , development trends , analysis of the regulatory framework implemented marketing activities.</div><div>During the analysis of marketing services of the Russian Federation in this paper were made conclusions about its conjuncture subjects research methodologies . Identified challenges of marketing activities in Russia.</div><div>The following sections contains an analysis of enterprises providing marketing services, identify problems , provide recommendations for their elimination. In addition, proposed several approaches to manage and improve innovation at such enterprises . Applied practical approbation of the proposed materials and appropriate conclusions with detailed explanations.</div>

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