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Web-system for deployment and monitoring of Ruby on Rails applications servers

Student: Yanberdin Timur

Supervisor: Alexander Breyman

Faculty: School of Software Engineering

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p>The topic of this degree paper is called web-system for deployment and monitoring of Ruby on Rails applications servers. This topic is quite relevant because Ruby on Rails has become a very popular web development framework over last six years. But it is not easy to integrate a Ruby on Rails application with a web server especially for a beginner developer. There are many routine actions in the deployment process, these actions could be automated.</p><p>In this paper we have examined a deployment stage of a Ruby on Rails application and explored several similar products for Ruby on Rails application deployment. We have built our own web system which automates an integration process and allows for rails-developers to deploy their applications via simple web interface.</p><p>The paper is divided on several parts. Information about Ruby on Rails framework, integration process via proxying and the main goal of the paper are available in the introduction. Different analogs with their pros and cons are examined in the first part of the paper. In the second part of the paper deployment actions are described. These actions are needed to deploy a new Ruby on Rails application on an Nginx and Unicorn based server. The preparation process is described in the third part. It includes a list of technologies that have been chosen for implementation of the system, also it includes reasons for choosing each of them. In addition this part includes the scheme of database tables with description of fields. Several implementation features and problems, which we have encountered during the development process of the web-system for deployment and monitoring of Ruby on Rails applications servers, are described in the fourth part. As for conclusion, there are described results of this paper, field of application and areas for further development.</p>

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