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The genesis of cultural policy in Germany of the XIX - beg. XX century

Student: Morgacheva Dar`ya

Supervisor: Rouslan Khestanov

Faculty: School of Cultural Studies

Educational Programme: Bachelor

Year of Graduation: 2014

<p style="text-align: justify;">This research is devoted to the problem of cultural policy&rsquo;s origins in Germany. Main attention is paid to questions, how the expansion of state power took place in the cultural sector, how it was expressed at the level of organization of management and what ideas and discussions it was followed by in Germany. The object of research is a history of institutions&rsquo; of public administration creation. It is being investigated for the origin and development of ideas of cultural policy. The analysis is focused on Prussia as an independent state in the period from 1800 to 1871, and then - on the German Empire (and on Prussia as part of it) - from 1871 to 1918. Roots of cultural policy in Germany appeared at a time when its territory was separated into many independent states, each of which gradually began to move from feudalism to the nation-state form. One of the most developed German States was Prussia that introduced many innovations in the field of cultural management. After unification of Germany in 1871, Prussia began to play a leading role in defining cultural policy at the imperial level, creating the basis for a debate on Kulturpolitik in the Weimar Republic. Prussia and the German Empire are the main objects of consideration in this paper. Particularly the analysis is focused on the Prussian Ministry of cults around which for over a hundred years (1817-1933) discussions about the need for and methods of culture control took place. In Germany, the state began to participate in the cultural life of the people in the early XIX century. For this purpose, relevant departments were created the in the Prussian Ministry of Internal Affairs (section of cults and public education), which in a few years stood out in a separate institution - the Ministry of Cults. The main directions of the initial pulse were science and art, their popularization for the population, and the elimination of inequities in access to cultural goods. The State made a bet on &quot;education&quot; of the population and development of the academic environment - and this initial orientation has become a feature of cultural policy in Germany in the XXth century (Both internal and external).</p>

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