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Formation of Positioning Strategy in Health Services Market

Student: Nekrasova Olga

Supervisor: Olga V. Mayorova

Faculty: Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics

Educational Programme: Marketing (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2016

Services sector development and a tight competition for each consumer in conditions of crisis raise the question about effectiveness of marketing strategies for the promotion of private medical services. In the context of a significant number of service providers on the market, there is a need for a clear medical clinic market position, aimed at a specific target group of consumers. Undoubtedly, the main problem in creating such a position is a lack of information about the consumer of medical services and the factors that lies at the heart of consumer’s choice. This paper identifies health services consumers’ values and their attributes of selection. Creation of the medical clinic positioning based on consumer values provides the ability to make more focused and clear message to the consumer. In this paper, relationship between the consumers’ values and the characteristics of services that are important in their selection process is identified. Based on the relationship identified, market segmentation was conducted, target segment highlighted and positioning developed.

Full text (added May 16, 2016)

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