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Analysis of the Personalization Level Determinant Factors in Online Store

Student: Saveleva Tatiana

Supervisor: Ivan D. Kotliarov

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Economics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2016

Today, Internet technology covers almost all aspects of our lives. The number of online shops growing with the development of the Internet environment. The necessity of the introduction of personalized technology increases simultaneously. It is imperative to develop a common model, on which the selection of the optimal level of personalization will be based. In this paper the factors that have the greatest impact on the online store personalization level are determined using the econometric models. The main aim of this work is to measure the probability of the store levels of personalization transition on the higher level, depending on the variables that have influence on it. The study found that the turnover has the most influence on online store level of personalization, a positive correlation is observed in this case. The amount of the average bill also affects the level of personalization. However, this indicator has a negative effect. It was also found that the greater amount of information about the clients’ actions performed on the website the online store gets, the higher the level of personalization. Also the industry in which the online shopping sites are most personalized was found. Using the model proposed in the study the probability of the personalization level growth due to variables enhance or decrease can be calculated as well as the probability that the level of personalization will remain unchanged can be found. On the basis of the information received further studies in the field of internet marketing can be carried out, and the quality of online shopping and customer interaction scenarios can be improved.

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