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Project Manager Competencies: Diagnostics and Development

Student: Kazmina Natalia

Supervisor: Olga Nikolaevna Ilyina

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Project Management: Project Analysis, Investments, Implementation Technology (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2016

In the last decades project manager competencies issue is popular across researchers. The directions of general and necessary manager competence and competence of project manager in specific projects are developing. The study of theoretical material served as a good foundation for the research and building a model of project manager competencies depending on the scope, complexity and the sphere of project realization. For the research and analysis, the relevant techniques were selected and specific hypotheses were raised. That allowed the author to achieve the objective of this paper, namely to conduct a research and build a model of project manager competencies. Paper goal: identification and analysis of methods of project manager competencies diagnostics and development, which are necessary for implementation of projects of different complexity, scope and sphere of implementation, and to build a model of project manager competencies for project of different scope, complexity and sphere of implementation. Paper objectives: analysis of scientific literature, conducting a survey, analysis of the survey results, building a model and drawing up recommendations. A project manager is the object of the study, project manager competencies in projects of different complexity, scope and implementation sphere are the subject of the study. The hypothesis about the importance of different competences for project manager in projects of different scope, complexity and implementation sphere is confirmed. The hypothesis G1.1 is refuted, the hypothesis G1.2 is partially confirmed. The hypothesis G1.3 is refuted. The model “Competence Cube” is built which distributes the most important competencies of project manager in projects of different scope, complexity and implementation sphere.

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