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Specific of Professional Motivation of IT-Specialists with Different Types of Activity

Student: Bondareva Olga

Supervisor: Tatiana Ivanova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychology in Business (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2016

The purpose of research is studying the specifics of professional motivation of IT-professionals with different types of activity. The object of study is the professional motivation of IT-specialists and subject - specifics of professional motivation of IT-professionals with different types of activity. A theoretical analysis of specifics of professional motivation of IT-professionals with different specific activities was carried. Also, factor structure of the questionnaire of professional motivation on a sample of it professionals was identified and we developed a questionnaire aimed at identifying the motivating factors of professional motivation of IT-specialists taking into account the specifics of their activity. We have conducted an empirical study of specifics of professional motivation of IT-professionals with different types of activity, the results of which confirmed the hypothesis about differences in professional motivation of IT-professionals with different types of activity. Also we described the results of study that link professional motivation of IT-specialists by company size and socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, marital status, income level. According to the study, the programmers focused on the process of activities, passionate about challenging non-trivial tasks, feel comfortable and free in virtual space. Them to a lesser extent than other IT-professionals, concerned with the stability of the company, wages, corporate events, they are not afraid of losing their jobs. System administrators appreciate the tranquility, the stability of the company and organized recreation, they are not motivated by challenging tasks and support from the authorities. Managers of IT-projects are result-oriented, they are dominated by extrinsic motivation. Stability of the company, the level of wages, social benefits and support from the authorities are important of IT-managers.

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