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Music Album Cover as an Ad Message: Possibilities and Implementation

Student: Nikolaev Artem

Supervisor: Pavel Parshin

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Marketing Communications and Advertising in Modern Business (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2017

To date, the segment of vinyl records is the fastest growing segment of the music industry, and the vinyl media market is one of the main sources of revenue for record companies. However, there are very few studies that have been developed to study the effect of the cover of a music album on a consumer. In particular, it should be noted that very few studies are devoted to studying the influence of the visual component of the coating - its "face" - on the consumer. It should also be noted that the researchers paid little attention to the semiotics of the covers of musical albums. In this regard, this study is important against the backdrop of a growing interest in vinyl plates. The main object of the study was the semiotics of the covers of musical albums, the subjects of the survey were the respondents' opinions about the semiotics of the covers. When performing the work, all the tasks set at the beginning of the study were solved. Semiotics analysis of coatings and questioning of consumers using questionnaires was carried out. For the analysis, 50 album covers were selected, which the author found in the lists of the best covers of music albums, and their semiotic analysis. Then a consumer survey was interviewed on the questionnaire to collect the respondents' opinions about the cover of the album. Analyzing the data of both surveys, the author managed to confirm xtnshow hypotheses, on which recommendations were made for representatives of record companies. Also in the course of the work the author singled out several variants of design and limitations imposed on the cover.

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