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  • Student Theses
  • Representation of Relations between Landowner and his Peasants in Leo Tolstoy's "A Landlord's Morning" and Gogol's "The Chosen Places from Correspondence with Friends"

Representation of Relations between Landowner and his Peasants in Leo Tolstoy's "A Landlord's Morning" and Gogol's "The Chosen Places from Correspondence with Friends"

Student: Manoshkina Mariia

Supervisor: Alexey Vdovin

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: Philology (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2017

Number of pages: 50 Number of sources: 27 The overall goal of my study was to describe the relationship between the landowner and the peasants, establish the sophisticated scheme of Tolstoy’s and Gogol’s ideology correlation, paying attention to the gradual transformation of Tolstoy’s viewpoint, and to connect the both authors’ ideology with the poetics of the «Selected pages from the correspondence with friends», «The Landlord’s morning», «The novel of Russian landlord» and Tolstoy’s comments on Gogol’s book. On the one hand, the final part of «The Landlord’s morning» is oriented on the first volume of Gogol’s «Dead Souls», on the other hand, Tolstoy tests Gogol’s theory in the reality and rejects it. I made an attempt to explain this contradiction on the level of ideology and poetics. In order to achieve this ultimate goal I accomplished the following major objectives: 1) described the ideology of landlord-peasants relationship in Gogol’s «Selected pages from the correspondence with friends» 2) described the ideology of landlord-peasants relationship in Tolstoy’s «The novel of Russian landlord» 3) described the ideology of landlord-peasants relationship in Tolstoy’s «The Landlord’s morning» 4) considered Tolstoy’s and Gogol’s polemics on the level of ideology (based on the material of Tolstoy’s comments on Gogol’s book 5) provided the detailed analysis of how the ideology of both writers is connected with their texts’ poetics. The findings gathered in the course of this study are essential especially in the area of literature studies and linguistics. What is crutial, «The novel of Russian landlord» have not been thoroughly covered in the previous studies.

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