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Regional Tourism Clusters Creation as an Instrument of Tourism Development

Student: Koscheev Dmitriy

Supervisor: Olga Isopeskul

Faculty: Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics

Educational Programme: Public Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2018

The present investigation deals with the analysis of methodological problems connected with the concept of tourism cluster as an instrument of tourism development. The investigation becomes actual within the scope of two trends connected On the one hand today there is an upward tendency in the number of regional governments who use cluster method as an instrument of regional tourism development. On the other hand, at the same time the level of theorization in the sphere of the present concept is very poor . As a result a lot new regional tourism cluster systems tend to become underperforming. In the present investigation we attempt to create a new methodological approach, which will be based on the best world practices and a good conceptual analysis. Basing on the instruments of conceptual analysis , look back study and comparative analysis we realized a complex investigation of tourism cluster concept itself, and its models of practical implication. During the analyses mentioned we improved structured theoretical background of the concept and created a new approach to tourism cluster investigation and creation. The present approach was tested on the case of Perm krai.

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