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Research of the Features of Financial Analysis Under Conditions of Uncertainty

Student: Meshkov Aleksey

Supervisor: Natalia Tsangl

Faculty: HSE Banking Institute

Educational Programme: Financial Analyst (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2019

The topic of my master thesis is “Research of the features of financial analysis under conditions of uncertainty”. I find this problem to be of the highest actuality both from theoretic and practice sides. As a master graduate, I find skills of financial modelling quite important and vital for in-depth understanding of finances in general. Meanwhile financial modelling is a perfect instrument for understanding and analyzing of financial activity and business model of the companies. Financial modelling approaches are highly demanded when it comes to estimation of company value, its profitability and especially for proper forecast of its future development strategy amid instable market conditions that can cause different impacts on the company value. The goal of my master research is a deeper study of financial analysis approaches and methods to perform a thorough financial analysis of a company and to determine the power of internal and external shocks impact on the company value and give the explanation and interpretation for calculated results. The object of my research is the largest player on the Russian coal market – the Siberian coal energy company, or SUEK. The status of the largest player on the market implies a well-built and well-established business model, as well as a calculated company development strategy that can take into account and anticipate potential market and market shocks and offer effective ways out of such situations. The result of my research is the calculation of summary value of SUEK company and presentation of sensitivity analysis results and their interpretation which states that internal and external shocks, which were discussed and analyzed in research, must be taken into consideration during the financial and strategy forecast, as it does have a significant impact on the company value shifts due to changes of different market indicators and company performance.

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