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Coping Strategies of Patients with Chronic Illnesses on the Example of Pancreatitis

Student: Naumova Elena

Supervisor: Alexis V. Belianin

Faculty: International College of Economics and Finance

Educational Programme: Double degree programme in Economics of the NRU HSE and the University of London (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2019

The main goal of this paper is to investigate relation between the decisions of the patients relatively to life-style and their health. It should be quite logical that people with serious diagnose such as pancreatitis should much more care about their life-style than other healthy people and follow the doctor's instructions to the fullest. The paper figures out the evidence for accepting the statement that patients decide to deviate from the recommendations and continue to have harmful habits. However, I find only one situation, where was the significant difference in dummies and there is no enough arguments that patients hide all deviations from treatment course. So the null hypothesis is partially accepted.

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