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Individual Educational Trajectories and Teacher Education at University

Student: Volosnikova Liudmila

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Management in Higher Education (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2020

One of the main challenges of Russian higher education is the lack of new breakthrough models for training teachers as educational leaders who have a personal and professional identity that corresponds to the social and individual expectations of the XXI century, who are able to ensure the transition to a human-centered learning paradigm, and manage diversity at the level of a group, class, or organization. Changing teacher training strategies through individualization is seen as a key in the strategy for overcoming the educational crisis. The project involves the development of a model for managing individual educational trajectories of students based on the principles of Liberal arts at Tyumen state University. This model is universal and can be used for transforming the curricula of non-pedagogical training areas, as well as to transform other levels and components of the teacher education system. Transformation of education based on individualization involves qualitative changes in the curriculum, learning environments, teaching methods, ways of interaction and communication. However, the central focus of this work is the curriculum, which is considered as the main cultural and organizational tool for forming the personal and professional identity of the teacher as a pedagogical leader. A model of the pedagogical curriculum has been developed that provides the student with an opportunity to activate personal resources in an individual trajectory in the pedagogical professional core. Type of work is project.

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