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Factors Affecting Collaborative Economy Growth in Tokyo

Student: Abubakirova Nelli

Supervisor: Ruslan Goncharov

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Asian Studies (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2020

This paper investigates the major factors contributing to the development of the collaborative economy (CE) in Tokyo agglomeration covering such topics as the evolvement stages of CE within the urban economy of Tokyo and both economic and political effects on the CE in Tokyo. Within the topic, studies of a variety of authors were thoroughly examined. A great number of previous research is dedicated to the theoretical description of collaborative economy (Botsman and Rogers, 2010; Schor, 2014; Martin, 2016;) with a few case studies related to the topic (Ko & Cho, 2018; Amasawa et al., 2018). However, the majority of the scholars admit that the urban environment is the natural habitat for the formation of the CE. Nevertheless, the factors that have a crucial impact on CE within a city are yet to be discovered. This work is aimed at discovering the clusters of the factors for such a renowned agglomeration as Tokyo. The mixed-methods approach will allow ensuring the accuracy of the research outcomes. The results of the paper may reveal the key factors that either stimulate or limit the spread of CE in Tokyo and become a theoretical base for further urban research. Keywords: Tokyo, collaborative economy, sharing economy, urban economics

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