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Executive Dashboard Development for the C-Suite of a Healthcare Institution

Student: Varushkina Yuliya

Supervisor: Lidia V. Shestakova

Faculty: Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2020

This work presents the process of design and development of the executive dashboard for monitoring key indicators of the healthcare institution. The paper consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography. The first chapter presents literature review on the topic of the study, including an overview of KPIs used for the analysis of medical institutions, a discussion of global experience in dashboard implementation in a healthcare sector, and a determination of objectives and relevant criteria for dashboard development. In the second chapter, the dashboard implementation tools such as Microsoft Power BI, Microsoft Excel, QlikView, Tableau and IBM SPSS are discussed, a comparative analysis of these products is performed, and the most applicable tool for dashboard development is selected. The third chapter describes the process of dashboard architecture development, the logic of work with it, and options for data decomposition. Based on the analyzed literature, the objective for dashboard is formulated, the list of criteria to be implemented in it is chosen, and the types of visualization devices are selected for the previously identified indicators. The fourth chapter of the paper provides a description of the dashboard development process in Microsoft Power BI, including data processing (data cleansing and transformation), additional columns and measures preparation, visualizations placement on the dashboard and their completion with data, and appropriate filters selection. The work includes 52 pages, 3 tables and 9 illustrations.

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