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  • Adaptation of the Canons of the Road Movie Genre in the Multi-platform Project "Looking for the Borders of Russia"

Adaptation of the Canons of the Road Movie Genre in the Multi-platform Project "Looking for the Borders of Russia"

Student: Valiulin Filipp

Supervisor: Dmitry Kotov

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Multi-platform Film Production (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

road movie is a genre of cinematography in which the characters go on a journey. On the way, they pass tests, change and eventually get to the final point, which can also be the starting point. At the same time, the road movie genre places more importance on the path itself and the internal changes of the characters, at the same time the end point is not so important. The theme of the work involves the study of scientific publications dedicated to the genre of road-movie. In view of the designation of road movie as a genre, the use of genre theory in cinema is deliberately determined, which implies the classification of films in accordance with existing genres. R. Eltman's monograph is devoted to genres in cinema, in which the author highlights the main genres, subgenres, their evolution and canons. Scientific publications dedicated to it will help us to determine the characteristics of a travel movie as a genre. The book by Stephen Cohen and Ina Rae Hark "The Road Movie Book" was completely devoted to the study of the film-journey genre, from its origins to subsequent evolution, in the book the genre is considered as the brainchild of Hollywood of the sixties, a significant part of the content is devoted to the analysis of films of the early era of road movies. Neil Archer, in his work, considers the road movie genre not only as an exclusively American genre, but also what happened to this genre on a global scale, how this or that culture influenced this genre and how filmmakers use it depending on the geographical location. David Laderman in his work focused on the study of the evolution and development of the road movie genre from its very beginnings to the current state of the genre. The purpose of the final qualification work is to adapt the canons of the road movie genre in the multi-platform project "I am looking for the borders of Russia", in the development of this media project, the development of this genre in Russia and expanding the potential of unpopular places in Russia for tourism and filming. The stated goal assumes the solution of the following tasks: 1) Studying the road movie genre, its origins and general characteristics 2) Analysis of road films and identification of the main canons of the genre 3) Adaptation of the canons of the road movie genre in the multi-platform project "I'm looking for the borders of Russia." 4) Development and production of the multi-platform project "I am looking for the borders of Russia". The core of the multiplatform project is the road to home web series. This is a series about personality transformation. The plot of the series tells the story of Yegor, who will be framed, and he will set off on the run from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin. Among the potential extensions of this project will be: a travel blog about accessible travel in Russia, the project "What is happiness for you?", Implemented on the TikTok platform, an Instagram blog about the creation of the series, and a room in the Clubhouse, where the development of the script for the series with invitees will take place. experts. The core team of the multi-platform project consists of two producers and the author of this project - Philip Andreevich Valiulin, who plays the role of the general producer, director and scriptwriter of the project, and Tyumenbaev Seytek Eldarovich, who plays the role of the general and executive producer, scriptwriter and operator of the project. The creative novelty of the project will lie in the detailed documentation of the process of creating the project, which may be of interest not only to viewers, but also to industry workers and beginners in it. Broadcasting Russian locations through a media project and increasing the visibility of tourist places.

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