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"A Brief Introduction to the Study of History..." by G.O. Gordon (1885–1942): Historiographical Study

Student: Kurochkin Denis

Supervisor: Marina Rumyantseva

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: History (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2021

The final work analyzes and presents "A Brief Introduction to the Study of History ..." by G.O. Gordon as a historical and cultural phenomenon. A methodological basis applied in my work is a source study approach, which includes source study analysis and synthesis. Conceptually "A Brief Introduction ..." was placed between N.I. Kareev's “Istorika. A Theory of Historical Knowledge” (1913) and V.M. Khvostov's "Theory of the Historical Process" (1914): these works contain, on the one hand, interrelated positivist and neo-Kantian ideas about a subject of history as a science, about written and material historical sources, about auxiliary historical disciplines, about a critical method, about possibilities to restore what actually was and discovering general patterns. However, on the other hand, G.O. Gordon wrote about a division of sciences into nomothetic and idiographic, about authors' subjectivity and an impossibility of history as a science to convey accurately the past.

Full text (added May 14, 2021)

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