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The Impact of a Charity Incentive on Purchasing Decisions among Young People

Student: Gilbert Alisa

Supervisor: Lyubov A. Tsyganova

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

This work is aimed at studying the attitude of modern youth to charity and how different formats of messages about charitable activities on the packaging of goods affect the decision to buy. In the course of the work, various approaches to the definition of youth, the consumer path and the interpretation of the concept of influence were analyzed. On the example of cases of large companies, the main motives for using the charitable incentive by brands in communication with the client were studied. As a result of the work, an intern survey was conducted, in which 224 respondents and 6 in-depth interviews took part. Based on the results of the research work, the main requirements for reporting on charity were formulated and a number of recommendations were proposed, both for further research and for existing brands.

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