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Covid-19 as a Factor of Transformation of Organizational Cultures of Russian Companies

Student: Furmanov Egor

Supervisor: Liubov Shantyreva

Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Advertising and Public Relations (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

Over the past year the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on organizational culture all over the world. The pandemic has forced companies to resort to new technologies that were not previously used in the usual life of the company, also it had a huge and rapid impact on the culture of the workplace. The purpose of this study is to identify changes in Russian companies after the COVID-19 pandemic by analyzing their organizational culture. This study uses a mixed methodological approach to address this problem. At the first stage of the study, an online survey of company employees will be conducted. . This will allow us to determine the organizational culture of the company where the survey was held. Then, a series of interviews with representatives of the companies will be conducted. These interviews will allow us to find out what crisis response measures were taken by companies during the pandemic and how they are perceived by team members. The results of this study will allow us to develop a strategy for responding to crisis situations similar to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this research will allow us to identify trends, trends and new directions in the transformation of the values of Russian companies. It will determine whether the pandemic has become a factor of the transformation of the organizational cultures of Russian companies and identify changes in the social responsibility of business.

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