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Rhythmical Transfer by the Translating of Russian and Belorusian Iambic Verse

Student: Zemskova Tatiana

Supervisor: Evgeny Kazartsev (Evgenii Kazartcev)

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: Russian and Comparative Literature (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

The paper describes the role of poetic ХХ-Century translation from Russian into Belarusian and from Belarusian into Russian (based on iambic tetrameter): the history of translation relations between these two cultures in the context of actual bilingualism is described; the study of the rhythmic structure of pairs of texts "original-translation" is carried out using using computer methods, the obtained data is compared with the generalized data on the Russian and Belarusian verse of the corresponding time. As a result, it is claimed that the active translation of the works of Pushkin and Lermontov in the 30s, apparently, significantly influenced the development of the rhythm of the Belarusian iambic tetrameter. At the same time, even in translations, its national features are manifested, such as a large number of overschematic stresses and the permissibility of contr-acentuations. Translators into Russian try to smooth out these roughnesses, bringing the rhythm closer to classical or modern Russian samples.

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