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Adaptation of a Promotion Strategy for Russian Generaation Z (example of AXE deodorants)

Student: Korzakova Angelina

Supervisor: Elena Korchagina

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Management (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2021

This research is aimed to adapt the usage of various marketing tools that are proven to successfully trigger buying decision making of generation Z representatives - people, who are born in 1995-2010 (McKinsey, 2018) - all around the Globe to the same generation living in Russian Federation. To reach this aim, numerous literature sources describing differences and peculiarities of these conditionally identified groups of people are going to be studied. This paper covers prior studies on similar topics, considering mainly investigation of specificity of generation Z, its difference from the previous generations and various promotion tools that are proven by marketing and other relevant spheres’ specialists to work on it most effectively. The main results of this thesis paper are reached in the empirical part of this research and are the following. Firstly, there are created 2 detailed customer portraits of the potential target audiences this study orients on. Then, 2 questionnaires for the aforementioned target groups are going to be developed and the necessary data from the respondents is going to be received. Then, this research also includes development of customer journey map of the potential customers. After that, in accordance with the insights retrieved from relevant literature sources and customer development process, there is going to be adapted a promotion strategy, applicable to Russian generation Z, on the example of the specific product - AXE brand deodorants.

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