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  • HSE University
  • Student Theses
  • Product Portfolio: Ecosystem of Technological Entrepreneurship Development at a Regional University: Turning Dream into Reality (a Case of Tambov State Technical University), The System of Higher Education of the Tambov Region in the Context of Socio-economic Development in the Region, Admissions to Graduate Programs: Marketing Plan

Product Portfolio: Ecosystem of Technological Entrepreneurship Development at a Regional University: Turning Dream into Reality (a Case of Tambov State Technical University), The System of Higher Education of the Tambov Region in the Context of Socio-economic Development in the Region, Admissions to Graduate Programs: Marketing Plan

Student: ignatov andrey

Supervisor: Margarita Zobnina

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Management in Higher Education (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Product 1. This article introduces a project entitled The Higher Education System as Part of the Socio-Economic Development of the Tambov Region. It was ordered by the Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia. This project aligns the region’s higher education system with its social and economic development, which requires more human resources to staff the local economic priority sectors. The analytics, conclusions, and recommendations may help to find balance between supply and demand in the regional labor market. Some of the results are being used by the Tambov State Technical University in its career guidance activities. Keywords: higher education, social and economic development, region, university. Product 2. The case is devoted to the problem of building the University infrastructure for the implementation of a full cycle of support and development of technological entrepreneurship including the formation of students' interest and basic competencies in project activities at the beginning and their creation of a business at the end. The administration of Tambov State Technical University (TSTU) was a customer for the development of the case. It is important for the University to find a comprehensive solution for building effective tools to support student entrepreneurship. The value of the case is determined by the developed management solutions for regional universities at different levels of management and the regulations of interaction of all stakeholders - university management, students, research and teaching staff, industrial and business partners. The development of the case made it possible to systematize activities aimed at forming an ecosystem for the development of technological entrepreneurship at TSTU, reveal common features of Russian regional universities and propose ways to overcome them. The formulated proposals are implemented on the basis of TSTU. During the work with the case, the TSTU management team proposed and implemented specific tools for further adjustment and coordination of activities, resources and potential of all elements of the system, which is included in the University's Development Program until 2032. Keywords: technological entrepreneurship, project activities. Product 3. NUST MISIS has maintained a tendency to expand the number of postgraduate students that imposes serious risks on sustainable development in all areas of postgraduate programs and the availability of the necessary resources of the scientific complex for high-quality training of all postgraduate students. These circumstances must be clarified in the university development program until 2030 within the framework of youth, research and educational policy. Based on this, the general purpose of the research is to develop recommendations for strengthening the positioning of postgraduate programs, adjust and synchronize their content with the indicators of the university development program. In this regard, the analysis of the admission and conditions for the postgraduate programs implementation (in terms of educational policy) was carried out. The approach to the positioning of postgraduate programs was also defined. The structure of the postgraduate students contingent (movement, educational funnel, etc.) and the university development program in terms of training and retention of highly qualified postgraduate students were described. According to the results of the analysis, a lack of a unified marketing and communication strategy at the university withing the connection of “an applicant – a postgraduate student – a young scientist” was identified as well as a weak positioning of the postgraduate studies, focused only on the alumni. The developed product problematizes this task with all key stakeholder’s involvement and the establishment of systematic work on the marketing of postgraduate programs. Keywords: marketing plan, postgraduate study, promotion.

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