Tech Guide
Finding the SET form
Students can access SET forms in their personal account on LMS three weeks before the examination period. You can view the SET timetable here.
To access your personal account in LMS, you need to follow the link and enter your corporate login and password. If you have problems logging in, refer to the instructions. After entering your login and password on the LMS main page, click on the link "Course Evaluation".
You can also click the button “SET form [For Students]” on the top of the page.
You will then need to click on the current module and fill out the form.

Technical issues in the structure of the questionnaire
Leave feedback about the teacher in the comments section for the subject. Numerical scores do not need to be rewritten in the comments.
Leave comments about it in the last question of the questionnaire - "Comments and suggestions regarding the organization of the learning process in general"
Technical issues when completing the questionnaire
To take the SET, we recommend that you use the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. It is best to close any parallel tabs beforehand, as this can lead to technical problems. If any difficulties arise with displaying the questionnaire, the page can be filled out in “Incognito” mode.
We recommend not spending more than two hours filling in the questionnaire. Otherwise, your encrypted authentication period may end. Nevertheless, we believe that this leaves you with enough time to answer questions and write detailed comments.
No, this is not an option. To save answers, it would be necessary to tie them to a specific user. As such, this would mean a loss of anonymity.
The LMS system, which hosts the assessment procedure, has been developed and maintained by HSE University’s IT Office. So, programming code of the SET module initially featured instruments to ensure the anonymity of assessments. I won't go into detail about these mechanisms, but I will say that student IDs are not recorded in the database in relation to the assessment results (i.e., the database only records the assessment itself and an encrypted value (hash function) instead of student IDs). [...] In fact, we use a complex set of measures to protect the assessment database developed in line with the standards used by global payment systems (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, etc.) for databases of large banks.
If you have a specific problem when filling in the SET form, please contact your study office or e-mail us at Please specify your programme, year of study and state your problem in detail.
Andrey Shevtsov
Former IT Director, HSE University