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Thursday, September 25

18.00 – Presentation and roundtable discussion of a new collected volume on educational projects in Russia from Peter I to Catherine II (edited by Igor Fedyukin and Maya Lavrinovich) (in Russian). Presentation will take place at the History Department, Higher School of Economics, Petrovka 12.

Should you be interested in attending the presentation, please contact Natalia Nemtseva at nnemtseva@hse.ru no later than September 23.


Friday, September 26

9.00 – 9.30 – Registration

9.30 – 9.45 – Opening

9.45 – 11.00 – Plenary lecture. Jean Boutier, A European model of education of nobility: Noble academies in Europe, 1550-end of the 18th century (ENG)

11.00 – 11.15 – Coffee break

11.15 – 13.45 – I. Educational strategies: What kind of education for what kind of nobility?

  1. Prokopiev Andrei, Between confessional and social standards: education of the German nobility in 16th – 17th centuries (RU)
  2. Bruter Annie, Robe and sword nobles in 17th century France: two conflicting educational ideals? (ENG)
  3. Karady Victor, Changing educational commitment and strategies of noblemen in late feudal Hungary (cc. 1760-1848) (ENG)
  4. Lehr Stefan, ‘For education only’. The ideal and the practice of education in the princely family of Golitsyn (1780-1820) (RU)
  5. Posohova Liudmila, Ennoblement of the Hetmanate and Slobodskaya Ukrainian elite and the evolution of educational models in this milieu in the 18th century (RU)
  6. Fiorelli Vittoria, Neapolitan ladies: from aristocracy to liberal upper class (ENG)
  7. Voisin Amélie, Educate a duke and bring up an emperor: the complex and very eclectic education of Francis Stephen of Lorraine (ENG)

13.45 – 14.30 – Lunch

14.30 – 16.00 – II. Models, transfers, critics and resistance

  1. Cerman Ivo, Moral education among the Bohemian aristocracy (ENG)
  2. Green Michael, Huguenot educators for the Dutch nobility (1620-1700) (ENG)
  3. Stroev Alexandre, Women’s education as a free-masons’ project? The treatise by Count Alexandr Golovkin ‘Mes refléxions sur l’éducation du sexe’ (1778) (RU)
  4. Kislova Ekaterina, Educational models among the clergy and the nobility in the 18th century Russia (RU)

16.00 – 16.15 – Coffee break

16.15 – 17.30 – II. Models, transfers, critics and resistences

  1. Kiselev Mikhaïl, Krivoruchko Anastasia, ‘According to their learning and their merit’: education of nobles in the official policy and in the press in the Russian Empire in the 1760s(RU)
  2. Serwanski Maciey, French aspects in the educational pattern of the Polish nobility in the 17th century(ENG)
  3. Rjéoutski Vladislav, The ideal of a noble’s education in Russia: pro and contra(RU)

19.30 – conference dinner


Saturday, September 27

9.30 – 11.00  – III. Educational institutions and educational models

  1. Fedyukin Igor, The education of the nobility and disciplinary institutes: the making of a modern school in Russia from 1660 to 1760 (RU)
  2. Khavanova Olga, Innate nobleness and erudite superiority: the Theresianum in Vienna as the educational ideal of the nobility in the second half of the 18th century (RU)
  3. Sindoni Caterina, Educational models for Sicilian noblemen between 18th and 19th century: the case of ‘Collegio Cutelli’ (ENG)
  4. Tumanik Ekaterina, N.N. Muraviev’s family as a model of education of nobility in early 19th century: from Ostashevo to the School of Military Guides (RU)

11.15-11.30 – coffee break

11.30 – 13.45 – IV. Trends

  1. Stogova Anna, Friendship as a behavioral imperative in England and France in the second half of the 17th – early 18th century (RU)
  2. Bruschi Andrea, Studying vernaculars, studying in vernaculars: modern languages in the education of the élites (France, 17th and 18th centuries) (ENG)
  3. Kosheleva Olga, Teaching the art of speaking properly among the young Russian noblemen (RU)
  4. Andrei Andreev, The formation of the educational system of F.-C. Laharpe: European ideals and Russian practice (RU)

13.45 –14.30 –Lunch

14.30 – 16.00 – V. What do sources tell us?

  1. Burkardt Albrecht, The origins of the Grand Tour. Travel in the treatises of education of the nobility from the 16th to the early 17th century (ENG)
  2. Le Cam Jean-Luc, The education of Lutheran German-speaking nobility viewed through the prism of biographic information in funeral sermons (1550-1750) (ENG)
  3. Fafurin Gennadi, The spread of educational innovations among the nobles viewed through the prism of the European book trade and the catalog of the Academy bookshop in St Petersburg in 1760s (on the basis of unpublished documents) (RU)
  4. Smagina Galina, ‘As a perfect education’: plan of education for a young aristocratic lady by academician Jacob Staehlin in 1778 (RU)

16.00 – 16.15 – Coffee break

16.15 – 17.45 – V. What do sources tell us?

  1. Berelowitch Wladimir, Educational plans in private education in Russia in the second half of the 18th century (RU)
  2. Solodiankina Olga, Educational ideals and practices in the Sheremetiev family (18th – early 19th century)(RU)
  3. Lavrinovitch Maya, ‘… You will find in your masters your protectors and in the children entrusted to you - your friends’: how a ‘new breed’ of governesses for noble children was trained at the beginning of the 19th century(RU)
  4. Redin Dmitri, How Ivan Vasilievich was brought up (short story by V.A. Sollogub ‘Tarantas’) and noble education in the Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century(RU)

17.45– 18.00 – Final remarks and end of the conference