Alexander V. Obolonsky
- Research Professor: Faculty of Social Sciences / School of Politics and Governance
- Alexander V. Obolonsky has been at HSE University since 2006.
Education and Degrees
Thesis Title: Individual and Public Administration
University of Marxism and Leninism
Lomonosov Moscow State University
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2015
Editorial board membership
2024, 4-5 of April, All-Russian Conference "Development of Politival science in the South Federal University and and the South of Russia"; my paper is "Geopolitics an an Ideology"
- 2023
Пятый Российский экономический конгресс (РЭК-2023) (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Профессиональные деформации бюрократического сознания (чиновник как социально-психологический тип)
- 2021
XXII Апрельская международная научная конференция НИУ ВШЭ по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Люстрация управленческих кадров как научная, моральная и психологическая проблема: теория и практика
Конгресс ICEES (online) (Монреаль). Presentation: Протестующий народ, власти, полиция: межстрановой анализ
- 2019
NISPAcee Conference (Прага). Presentation: Ethical Liberal Values Vs. the Soviet Administrative Heritage: the Drama of the Russian Transit
NISPAcee Conference (Прага). Presentation: Re-Establishment of People Trust to Public Sector as a Basic Pre-Condition For Sustainable Development
- 2017
ХVI Ежегодная конференция «РОССИЯ 1917-2017: ЕВРОПЕЙСКАЯ МОДЕРНИЗАЦИЯ ИЛИ ОСОБЫЙ ПУТЬ?» из цикла "Леонтьевские чтения" (С-Петербург). Presentation: Особый путь как политическая идеологема
- 2016
XVII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Этическое регулирование на государственной службе
- 2015
XVI Апрельская международная научная конференция "Модернизация экономики и общества" (Москва). Presentation: Бюрократия, гражданское общество, бизнес: в поисках новой модели отношений
- 2011
Improving the Effectiveness of Public Service (Москва). Presentation: Public Trust, Corruption and Public Policy
- 2010
XI Международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Гражданин и государство: новая парадигма взаимоотношений и шаги по ее институционализации
- 2009
Ежегодная международная конференция НИСПА (Будва Черногория). Presentation: Why it is so Difficult to Reform Bureaucracy in Transit Countries (The Russian Case)
Круглый стол в ИНСОР (Москва). Presentation: Социокультурные особенности российской модернизации
2024 4-5 апреля - Ростов-на-Дону - всероссийская конференция с международнымм участием "Становление и развитие политической науки в ЮФУ и на юге России". Доклад "Геополитика как идеоогия".
Employment history
CURRICULUM VITAE of Alexander V.Obolonsky. 1.Obolonsky Alexander Valentine. 2.Born: June 1, 1941, Moscow, USSR. 3.Home address: Russia, Moscow, 119017, St. Tolmachevskyper.,17 #6, tel: - 951-75-36 (h.), 8-905-566-5366 (m.); email: Office address: 119841, Russia, Moscow, Myasnitskaya Srt., 20, 101000, School of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Chair of Public and Municipal Service. 4.Education: Moscow State University, Department of Law (1963); University of Marksism, Department of Sociology of Art (1970) . 5.Doctor of Law & Politics - 1989 - the Institute of State and Law,Russian Academy of Sciences; the Member of the Academy ofHumanities Research- (since 1996). 6.Major affiliation: The Higher School of Economics (HSE), School of Public Administration and Municipal Management. 7.Position: Professor of School of Public Administration and Municipal Management of Higher School of Economics, Moscow. 8.Fields of specialization: Comparative Public Administration, Theory and History of State, Human Rights, Political Analysis, Psychological Aspect of Nationalism and Inter-Ethnic Conflict Resolution; the co-author of the concept of Russian civil service reform. 9.The author of a number of monographs, including:- A number of publications in foreign languages, mainly - in the USA and England). In particular, the books:in English:- the monographs:- “The Drama of Russian Political History: System Against Individuality”, 271 pp., USA, Texas A&M University Press, 2003; the collective monographs: - - “Russian Bureaucracy and the State: Officialdom from Alexander III to Putin”. (Ed. By D.Rowney and E.Huskey). Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.- Why it is so Difficult to Reform Russian Officialdom\\ State and Administration in a Changing World, Selected Papers from the 17th NISPAcee Annual Conference in Montenegro. Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2010- “Russian Politics in the Time of Troubles: Some Basic Antinomies”, in: «Russia in Search of Its Future», Cambridge University Press, 1995;n The major articles:n The Struggle to Reform Russia’s Bureaucracy (in co-authorship with Eugene Huskey), in: “Problems of Post-Communism”, July-August 2003, vol. 50, No.4.n The modern Russian Administration in the time of transition: new challengers versus old nomenclature legacy, in: «International Review of Administrative Sciences», 2000,vol..65, No.4. IIAS. Sage Publication, L (in English, French, Spanish, Arabic).n Post-Soviet Officialdom: A Quasi-Bureaucratic Ruling Class, in: Sociological Research, 1997, Vol.36, No.6, M.E.Sharpe, NY.n Paradoxes of Russian Political Development, in «Journal of Communist and Transition Politics», 1997, vol.13, No.1, London.n The Kind of Political System We Inherited: the anatomy of the «pre-April» political regime, in: « Russian Politics and Law», Fall, 1992, vol. 31, No.2, M.E.Sharpe, NY.n State Administration and Public Expectations, ibid., 1986, vol.24, No.4.n Political Power and Control in the USSR Prior to Perestroika..., in: «The Global Failure of Socialism», «Champions of Freedom», The Ludwig von Mises Lecture Series, vol.19, Hillsdale College Press, Mi., 1992.- About 10 other articles published in different years in: American journals «Soviet Law and Government», M.E.Sharpe», NY; «Mind and Human Interaction», Sharlottesville; English journal «The International Minds», L., etc. in Russian: - the monographs:- Crisis of Bureaucratic State. Civil Service reforms: the international experience and the Russian realities. 443.pp. M. Liberalnaya Missiya. 2011. - Civil Service: The Complex Approach " - 2009 (textbook.), 210pp. M, «Delo».- Morality and Law in Politics and Management, 2006, 262pp., M. VShE Publishing House.- The Man and Power: Crossroads of the Russian History, 2002, 415 pp., M., “Akademkniga”.n Bureaucracy for the 21st century? The Patterns of Public Service: Russia, USA, England, Australia, 2002, 167pp. M, «Delo».n Russian Civil Service Reform, M. World bank, 2003 (in co-authorship).- "The Bureaucracy and State" - 1996, M, Institut Gosudarstva i Prava Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk- "The Drama of Russian Political History: System Against Individuality" - 1994, M., 352pp. «Yurist».- "The Individual and Public Administration" - 1987, 255pp. M., «Nauka». - «The Methodology of System Research of the Branch of Public Administration», 1978, 190pp. M., «Nauka». - collective monographs:- The Civil Service" – 2009, 2000 (textbook, ), M, «Delo».- Russian Officialdom from Alexander the Third to Putin, Palgrave McMillan, L. two chapters, (one in co-authorship).-“The Civil Service Reform in Russian Federation. 2001-2003. M. VShE Publishing House. 2006.- “Civil Service Reforms: The Canadian Experience and the Russian Reality”.* Russian Civil Service Reform, M. World bank, 2003.- "The Bureaucracy and State" - 1996, M, Institut Gosudarstva i Prava Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk About 200 articles in academic, political and popular journals and other editions.Some of them in Russian academic editions, in particular, are: - Political Distrust as a Factor of Development, 2012. Vestnik Instituta Kennana v Rossii. - Towards a New Pattern of Bureaucracy. West and Russia. 2011 Two articles. ONS, No. 5, 6.- Politics and Morality, 2009;- Civil Service in Great Britain: Tradition and Search of a New Paradigm, 2009;- Theories of Bureaucracy and Public Service, 2009.- The ethics of Public Life, 2007; - Public Policy: the considerations on the British Experience in the Russian Context», in: «Konstitutsionnow Pravo», 2001, N.3 (36);- The Russian Officialdom and Problems of Its Reforming, ibid., No.1 (33).- The Public Service in France, in: «Gosudarstvo i Pravo», 2000, No.11, M.(Russian);Russian officialdom and problems of its reforming, in :»The Constitutional Law: East European Review», vol.4 (33), 2000;- The Personal Administration Policy in the US Civil Service: History and Modern Time, in: «The Social Sciences Today», 2001, No.3. - The History in a Subjunctive Mood, In: «Odissey», M., «Nauka», 2000.- The reform of Russian Civil Service: Concept and Strategy, in «Social Sciences», M., 1998, No.3. 10. Lecture courses : a) Public Service in The Modern World: Comparative Analysis; b) Ethics in Public Policy. 11.Work for the Presidential Commission on the Administrative Reform as a head of experts' group on the Civil Service reform (1997-98). 12.Worked as invited scholar abroad: USA - Fulbright Senior Visiting Scholar -Washington, DC -1999, September-2000, June, the theme of research: The theory and practice of civil service reforms in post-Soviet Russia and modern USA ;University of Chicago, 1989 (2 months); Indiana University - 1991 (semes-ter), 1994-1995 (academic year), 1996 (3 weeks);England -Oxford University - 1990 (2 weeks), British Academy of Sciences - 1995 (1 month),1999(1 month) 20003 (3 weeks), 2006 ( 1 month); Hungary 2005 (3 weeks);Belgium - 1998 - International Institute of Administrative Sciences ( 2 1/2 months).Sweden – the Royal Academy – 2003 (two weeks). Australia - National University,Canberra - 1993 (1 month); Finland - University of Juvaskula – 1994, 1995 (two weeks) Participated in the Congresses of the International Political Science Association (1979 - Moscow, 1988 - Washington), of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (1992 - Austria, 1997 - Canada), of NISPA (Kiev, 2007, Montenegro, 2009).12. Participant of the joint US-Russia-Estonia-Latvia-Lithuanian project on the interethnic problems at the North-Western part of the post-Soviet space and multy-national analytical group” “West and Islam”. Member of the international expert group on interethnic conflicts resolution - International Dialogue Initiative. 13. Foreign languages: English - fluent, Spanish - passive.
Evgeny Yasin: ‘The HSE, the New Economic School and Gaidar Institute Are Restoring Research to the Pre-Revolutionary Level in Russia’
Today, HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin celebrates his 80th birthday. The HSE News Service congratulates him, and in honour of the celebration, is publishing an extract from Andrey Kolesnikov’s book ‘Dialogues with Evgeny Yasin’.