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D. Maltseva
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Dina Yakovleva

  • Dina Yakovleva has been at HSE University since 2021.


  • Under the supervision of the responsible executor, carry out scientific operations in separate sections (stages, tasks) of the topic in accordance with the approved methods;
  • Collect, process, analyze and synthesize scientific information and experience;
  • Prepare reports (sections of the report) on the topic or its section (stage, task);
  • Fulfill other orders and instructions of the employer.



HSE University

Professional Interests

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Courses (2022/2023)

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13th ANR-Lab Summer School "Network Analysis and Contemporary Decision Sciences"

From August 1 to September 3, the 13th summer school of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research "Network Analysis and Contemporary Decision Sciences" was held. More than 50 people took part in the school. The program was based on the courses "Introduction to Social Network Analysis", "Advanced Social Network Analysis" and "Contemporary Decision Science". The classes were taught by professors from Ljubljana, Vladimir Batagelj and Luka Kronegger, as well as ANR-Lab employees Dina Yakovleva and Daria Maltseva.