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ResearcherID: P-9354-2015
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Daria Maltseva

  • Daria Maltseva has been at HSE University since 2015.


  • general coordination of activities of the laboratory, organization of seminars and conference sections, accounting for the publication activity of employees
  • preparation of annual reports on laboratory activities at the requests of the administration

Education and Degrees

  • 2015

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)

  • 2010

    Degree in Sociology
    Russian State University for the Humanities, Sociology

  • Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) in Sociology, thesis topic "Network approach in Sociology: genesis of ideas, current state and possibilities of applying"

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

  • 5 December 2023 - Practical seminar "Commercialization of university research and developments", National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  • 1 - 15 December 2022 - Internship in the Centre for Methodology and Informatics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
  • 7 September - 25 October 2020 - Advanced training program "Python for Researchers" (60 hours), Higher School of Economics.
  • 1 - 28 December 2019 - Internship in the Centre for Methodology and Informatics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
  • 24 January - 14 February 2019 - Course "Sociocultural Aspects of Public Speaking for International Audiences", 16 hrs. Academic Writing Centre of Higher School of Economics. 
  • 11 September - 30 November 2018 - Internship in the Centre for Methodology and Informatics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.
  • 6 - 10 August 2018 - 8th International Summer School "Theory and Methods of Network Analysis (TMSA-2017): Ninth Intenational Summer School "Applied Data Analysis using Python", NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research
  • 19 - 24 June 2017 - 7th International Summer School «Theory and Methods of Network Analysis (TMSA-2017): Methods and applications of network data clustering» (prof. Anuska Ferligoj, Vladimir Batagel, University of Ljubljana) of NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research
  • 1 March - 29 May 2017 - Internship in the Centre for Methodology and Informatics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (courses on Network Analysis in Pajek, New Developments in Statistics) 
  • 10 – 14 August 2015- 4th International Summer School “Theory and methods of visualization in Social Network Analysis” of NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research
  • 29 June - 3 July 2015 - 3th International Summer School “Theory and methods of Social Network Analysis: Modeling and Project Completion” of NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research
  • November - December 2014 - Coursera course “Social Network Analysis”, Lada Adamic, School of Information, Center for the study of complex systems, University of Michigan; level  85,3%
  • 27 June 2014 - NodeXL workshop, Conference «Networks in the Global World 2014»
  • 15 May 2014 - SNA (social network analysis): basics of work and tools. Methodical workshops of the Department of Management of NRU HSE SPb
  • September – December 2012 - G.V. Gradoselskaya course «Introduction to the Social Network Analysis», NRU Higher School of Economics, Department of Sociology
  • January 2012 - Seminar "The use of online technologies in qualitative research", Association of Regional Sociological Centers "Group 7/89", Yaroslavl
  • June 2012 - International Summer School «Social Network Analysis: methods and applications», NRU Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Awards and Accomplishments

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2018-2019)

Postgraduate Studies

2010-2014 - Postgraduate Studies, Moscow State University а for the Humanities, Department of Sociology, specialty 22.00.01 - "Theory, methodology and history of sociology»

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2021/2022)

Data Analysis in Sociology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Rus








Article Maltseva D., Batagelj V. Social network analysis as a field of invasions: bibliographic approach to study SNA development // Scientometrics. 2019. Vol. 121. No. 2. P. 1085-1128. doi







Article Мальцева Д. В., Задорин И. В. Исследование информационной культуры и профессиональной коммуникации в социологическом сообществе // Телескоп: журнал социологических и маркетинговых исследований. 2013. № 3. С. 41-52.




Article Мальцева Д. В. Теоретические подходы к изучению отцовства в современной западной социологии // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены. 2010. № 5 (99). С. 272-289.


  • 2020

    2020 Sunbelt Virtual Conference (Париж (виртуально)). Presentation: Comparing two approaches to bibliographic networks construction

  • Networks in the Global World - 2020 (Санкт-Петербург (виртуально)). Presentation: iMetrics: The Development of the Discipline with Many Names

  • XXI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва (виртуально)). Presentation: Mixed methods research: Bibliographic analysis of the field’s development

  • XXI Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва (виртуально)). Presentation: X-metrics: Common basis of scientometrics, bibliometrics, informetrics, and related research traditions

  • 2019
    XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) (Montreal). Presentation: Journals in the Field of SNA: Derived Networks and Temporal Analysis
  • XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) (Montreal). Presentation: Authors in the Field of SNA: Derived Networks and Temporal Analysis
  • 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association (Манчестер). Presentation: Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: Striving Together or Falling Apart?
  • European Conference of Social Networks (EUSN) (Цюрих). Presentation: Biopolitics: Studying the Development of the Field Using SNA
  • European Conference of Social Networks (EUSN) (Цюрих). Presentation: Social network analysis: Evolution of the field
  • European Conference of Social Networks (EUSN) (Цюрих). Presentation: Mixed field of mixed methods: bibliographic analysis
  • XX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Social network analysis: Evolution of the field
  • XXI Харчевские чтения «Теоретическая и эмпирическая социология состояние и перспективы взаимодействия» (Москва). Presentation: Сетевой анализ: методология эмпирических исследований или теоретический подход?
  • Workshop "Analysis of Bibliometric Networks" (Томск). Presentation: Bibliometric Networks Analysis
  • 10th International Summer School "Analysis of Scientific Networks" (Москва). Presentation: Analysis of Scientific Networks
  • XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) (Montreal). Presentation: Workshop “Analysis of bibliographic networks”
  • Seventh International Workshop on Social Network Analysis (Салерно). Presentation: Authors in the Field of Social Network Analysis: Collaboration, Citation and Bibliographic Coupling
  • 2018

    Networks in the Global World 2018: Principles behind Structures (Saint-Petersburg). Presentation: Mixed Methods in Social Network Analysis: Combining the Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches

  • Networks in the Global World 2018: Principles behind Structures (Saint-Petersburg). Presentation: Building networks from biographical texts: different approaches to data extraction
  • Networks in the Global World 2018: Principles behind Structures (Saint-Petersburg). Presentation: Networks of collaboration and interaction between Russian sociologists: from biographical interviews to network analysis
  • XXXVIII SUNBELT Conference of the International network for Social Network Analysis (Утрехт). Presentation: COLLABORATION AND SCIENTIFIC CITATION BETWEEN NETWORK RESEARCHERS IN RUSSIA
  • XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: NETWORK RESEARCHERS IN RUSSIA: COLLABORATION AND SCIENTIFIC CITATION
  • XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Региональная дифференциация развития медиасферы регионов России. Итоги мониторингового измерения 2015-2017
  • International Statistical Conference in Croatia (ISCCRO’18) „New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World“ (Опатия). Presentation: Network Researchers in Russia: Collaboration And Scientific Citation
  • Applied Statistics 2018 International Conference (Рибно, Блед ). Presentation: Social network analysis: the evolution of the field
  • ECPR General Conference (Гамбург ). Presentation: Network Analysis of Countries’ Mutual Attraction: Commonwealth of Independent States’ case
  • Сети 4.0. Скорость изменений (Москва). Presentation: Сетевой анализ в лицах

  • 2017

    XVIII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Журналистика как призвание и профессия: мнения журналистов о себе и своем профессиональном сообществе (результаты массового опроса)

  • XVIII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Научное сообщество российских социологов: сетевой анализ биографических данных

  • XXXVII SUNBELT Conference of the International network for Social Network Analysis (Пекин). Presentation: Mapping the community of network researchers in Russiia: structure and thematic agenda
  • Шестой международный семинар по Анализу социальных сетей “Challenges in Social Network Research” (Неаполь). Presentation: Networks Studies in Russia: Structure of a Scientific Community
  • Шестой международный семинар по Анализу социальных сетей “Challenges in Social Network Research” (Неаполь). Presentation: Scientific community of Russian Sociologists: Network Analysis of Biographical Interviews
  • 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities Athens, Greece, 29 Aug. - 01 Sept. 2017 (Афины). Presentation: Social Network Analysis: Combining Quantitative Methods with Qualitative Approach
  • 22nd Young Statisticians Meeting (Загреб). Presentation: Studying the Community Structure of Network Researchers in Russia
  • 2016
    VII Международная научно-практическая конференция памяти А.О. Крыштановского «Методы и процедуры социологических исследований» (Москва). Presentation: Сетевые исследования в России: от статьи в научном журнале к структуре исследовательского сообщества
  • Networks in the Global world 2016 Conference “Multiple Structures and Dynamics: Applications of Network Analysis to European Societies and Beyond” (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Network studies in Russia: the system of relations of the main drivers
  • The 6th International Conference on Network Analysis NET-2016 (Нижний Новгород). Presentation: Network studies in Russia: from articles to the structure of a research community
  • Векторы развития современной России. Гуманизм vs Постгуманизм (Москва). Presentation: Городские локальные идентичности и солидарность местных сообществ российских региональных центров (кейс Ярославля)
  • XVII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Theory in Network Analysis: Looking for a Needle in a Haystack
  • XXXVI Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) (Newport Beach, CA). Presentation: Network studies in Russia: the structure of a scientific community
  • VI Социологическая Грушинская конференция "Жизнь исследования после исследования: как сделать результаты понятными и полезными" (Москва). Presentation: Взаимодействия между исследовательскими компаниями: вертикальные структуры vs горизонтальные сети
  • V Всероссийский социологический конгресс "Социология и общество: социальное неравенство и социальная справедливость" (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Сети взаимодействий российских социологов: от биографических интервью к сетевому анализу
  • V Всероссийский социологический конгресс "Социология и общество: социальное неравенство и социальная справедливость" (Екатеринбург). Presentation: Метод анализа социальных сетей в интернет-исследованиях
  • Актуальные проблемы современного общества (Новосибирск). Presentation: «Сетевой подход в меняющемся обществе: от актора к актанту»
  • 2015
    12th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) (Прага). Presentation: Network research in Russia: the structure of scientific community
  • Network Theory and Methods: Combining Structure, Content and Meanings? (Амстердам). Presentation: Combining networks, content and meanings: current theoretical approaches in sociology
  • XXXV Sunbelt Social Networks Conference (Brighton). Presentation: Network approach: Trends in Theory and Methodology building
  • VI Междисциплинарная научная конференция "Социология, социальная география и социобиология в разработке перспектив комплексного развития сельских сообществ Ближнего Севера" (Костромская область, Мантуровский район, деревня Медведево). Presentation: Альтернативные сельские поселения в России: стихийная внутренняя эмиграция или осознанный трансфер в будущее? (по результатам исследования «Экопоселения как форма внутренней эмиграции: мотивация и перспективы распространения» (2012 г.)

  • XIV международная научно-практическая конференция молодых ученых "Векторы развития современной России: "Война миров": научное знание | прагматика жизни" (Москва). Presentation: Между высокой миссией и социальным заказом: насколько «демократичны» взгляды современных российских учителей?
  • IX Всероссийская научная конференция памяти Юрия Левады "Современное российское общество и социология" (Москва). Presentation: Теория социального действия Х. Уайта: синтез структурного сетевого анализа с культурным подходом
  • 10 Years of Institutional Studies (Москва). Presentation: Relational Sociology: New Era in the Social Network Analysis or an independent trend?
  • 2014
    XIII Международная научная социологическая конференция студентов и аспирантов «НАША СОЦИОЛОГИЯ: исследовательские практики и перспективы» (Москва). Presentation: Мустафа Эмирбайер: движение к реляционной социологии
  • VIII Всероссийская научная конференции памяти Юрия Левады "Современное российское общество и социология" (Москва). Presentation: Манифест реляционной социологии» М. Эмирбайера: новая «повестка дня» в сетевом направлении
  • XV Апрельская международная научная конференция «Модернизация экономики и общества» (Москва). Presentation: Субъекты рынка социологических исследований в России: состояние и перспективы развития (некоторые результаты исследования)

Editorial board membership

2020: Member of the Editorial Board, Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены (Monitoring Obshchestvennogo Mneniya: Ekonomichekie i Sotsial'nye Peremeny).


Grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 21–78-00077 on the topic “Collaboration patterns in the Russian sociological community: the structure of scientific schools and their growth potential” under the Agreement dated July 27, 2021, project leader.

Employment history

2010 - 2016 - ZIRCON Research group, specialist-analyst, project manager, PR-manager ​

2012 - 2015 - Social Business Group, specialist

2010 - Institute of Sociology of the RAS, Department of social structure and mobility, senior research assistant



Timetable for today

Full timetable

We will catch you in our nets: an introduction to network analysis methodology

There was a workshop on network analysis – three bright speakers told important, interesting and necessary things in an hour and a half.

ANR-Lab at Sunbelt 2024 – the premier network analysis conference in the world

ANR-Lab team gave presentations on the laboratory's ongoing research at the Sunbelt conference's online panel.

Employees of International Laboratory for Applied Network Research (ANR-Lab) spoke about network analysis methodology to the participants of HSE Academic Talent Pool

On June 5, Daria Maltseva, Irina Pavlova and Lika Kapustina spoke to the participants, organizers and alumni of the Academic Talent Pool of the Higher School of Economics with a workshop on "Network Analysis: Introduction to New Methodology".

ANR-Lab team at NET-2024

On May 20-21, theXIV International Conference on Network Analysis took place, at which ANR-Lab members presented their work.

ANR-Lab team took part in the seminar “Project culture and project management at the university”

On May 23–25, 2024, a joint visiting seminar of the Academic and Administrative Talent Pools “Project culture and project management at the university” was held at the Voronovo Educational Center of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

ANR-Lab Anniversary: a series of celebratory scientific events was held

The International Laboratory for Applied Network Research celebrated its 10th anniversary. In honor of this, a number of events were organized.

At the open day on May 2, we talked about the track “Computational Social and Network Sciences”

The online master's programme Data Analytics and Social Statistics (DASS) has two tracks. The open day was dedicated to the track 'Computational Social and Network Sciences'.

Why do sociologists study themselves?

ZIRCON, together with the Laboratory of Applied Network Research of the HSE University, the SocioLogos.ru platform and the OMI (Online Market Intelligence) company is conducting a project to study professional communications among members of the Russian research community working in the field of sociology and marketing. Daria Maltseva, head of the ANR-Lab, spoke about its strategic mission.

ANR-Lab at the Grushin Conference

On April 11-13, 2024, the International Grushin Sociological Conference was held in Moscow. This is the main annual event for everyone who studies public opinion, understands and explains social processes and phenomena. This year's theme is “Metamorphoses of society and the research industry: new challenges.” ANR-Lab team took part in the conference and shared their impressions of the event.

Daria Maltseva at the 'Neighbors in Research' conference

Head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva took part in the scientific conference 'Neighbors in Research,' which took place on April 5 at the HSE University campus in Perm.

DASS at the FSS Open Day

On March 30, the Data Analytics and Social Statistics programme held a series of events as part of an Open Day at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The programme of events assumed a hybrid format and included several presentations by representatives of the master's programme.

The first open house event in 2024 took place on February 29

The first house event after the renaming was dedicated to the changes that have occurred in the programme over the past year.

Report from the School of Applied Data Analysis in Tomsk

On November 30 – December 2, a full-time module of the annual School of Applied Data Analysis was held at Tomsk State University. Head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva acted as a guest expert and conducted a series of master classes on applied network analysis for participants in the “Science Management” track.

The Bib-eLib program for collecting and processing data in Russian from the eLibrary is registered as RIA

Team of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research registered the Bib-eLib Program for collecting and processing bibliographic data in Russian from the eLibrary electronic library as a result of intellectual activity (RIA).

The RSF project 'Patterns of Collaboration in the Russian Sociological Community' has been completed

Experts from the Russian Science Foundation recognized the project 'Collaboration Patterns in the Russian Sociological Community: The Structure of Scientific Schools and Possible Points of Growth' as successfully completed.

Collaborations in the scientific community: researcher’s view and practice

The head of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research, Daria Maltseva, took part in several events at HSE departments, where she spoke about scientific collaborations from the point of view of a researcher in this field and a practitioner with experience in implementing joint research projects.

Daria Maltseva spoke about the network structure of social capital

In a new video from the popular science channel on social sciences 'TELOS', the head of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research, Daria Maltseva, talks about the network structure of social capital and its theory by Mark Granovetter.

ANR-Lab staff at the EUSN 2023 conference on social networks

On September 4-8, the 7th European Conference on Social Networks EUSN 2023 was held in Ljubljana (Slovenia), where laboratory members presented their reports, learned about the latest developments in the field of network analysis, and also met with their colleagues from foreign universities.

On September 7, the MASNA open day took place

On September 7, another open house event was held for the Master of Applied Statistics with Network Analysis (MASNA) online master's programme.

Daria Maltseva spoke about how social ties are formed

In the new episode of HSE Online's "+/- 10 Minutes" project, Daria Maltseva, head of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research, talks about how social connections are formed, what models exist to explain network analysis, and how the Six degrees of separation theory works.

‘This Summer School Made Me Realise How Important Data Analytics Actually Is Nowadays’

From July 4–8, the 14th Summer School ‘Methods and Tools for Analysing Social Networks’ was held by the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research (ANR Lab). The dissemination of knowledge about the most recent methods of network analysis is one of the goals of the laboratory. Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary field that studies networks of interactions between different objects (such as people, organisations, institutions, countries, words in texts, texts on the internet) and identifying hidden patterns within them.

How the 14th ANR-Lab Summer School 'Methods and Tools for Analyzing Social Networks' went

On July 8, the Summer School 'Methods and Tools for Analyzing Social Networks' ended. We present you a brief overview of the events that the ANR-Lab team held as part of the 14th Summer School.

The article by ANR-lab employees 'Myths and Beliefs about medical microchip implants in Russia, Ukraine and Slovenia' is published

Stanislav Moiseev, Daria Maltseva and Tamara Shcheglova, in collaboration with foreign colleagues, conducted a comparative study of the attitude of Russia, Ukraine and Slovenia population to passive RFID microchips within the framework of the Fundamental Research Program of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE).

Daria Maltseva became an expert of the advanced training program of the HSE Center for Scientific Integration

Daria Maltseva, Head of the ANR-lab, took part as an expert in the advanced training program "Academic Accelerator: Flexible Skills of a Modern Researcher", implemented by the HSE Center for Scientific Integration.

MASNA Graduation 2023

On July 3, the graduation of the master's programme 'Applied Statistics with Network Analysis' was held for students of the 2021 enrollment.

Master class 'Pajek program for analysis and visualization of complex networks'

A MASNA webinar devoted to work in Pajek took place on June 29 for all MASNA applicants and all listeners who are interested in network analysis.

“We manage to create a team that you can rely on”

Interview with Daria Maltseva published in the new issue ‘Careers at HSE’ on the university portal ‘HSE University Life’

Master's programme MASNA in the podcast of the project "Vyshka On the Line"

Daria Maltseva and Ivan Klimov recorded a podcast episode about the MASNA programme for the project "Vyshka On the Line".

Special issue of the journal 'Sociology: 4M' on network analysis

The journal 'Sociology: 4M' and the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research announce the preparation of a special issue of the journal dedicated to the methodology of network analysis in the social sciences. Guest editor – candidate of social sciences Daria Maltseva. Estimated release date of the issue is December 2023.

ANR-Lab Roundtable at the Yasin conference

On April 11, within the framework of the XXIV Yasin (April) international scientific conference on the problems of the development of the economy and society, a Roundtable ANR-Lab 'Theory and application of network analysis' was held. Laboratory staff and external speakers made presentations.

ANR-Lab employees Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva published an article in the Q1 journal

In March, Quality & Quantity journal published an article by Aryuna Kim and Daria Maltseva ‘Qualitative social network analysis: studying the field through the bibliographic approach’.

ANR-Lab birthday

On April 9, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research turns 9 years old.

Daria Maltseva’s business trip to the University of Ljubljana

In December, ANR-Lab Head Daria Maltseva visited the Center for Methodology and Social Informatics of the University of Ljubljana, where she met with the laboratory supervisors, exchanged experience with foreign colleagues, and also agreed on future cooperation in the field of scientific and educational activities.

ANR-Lab activities will continue in 2023

The activity of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research was extended for the next year after a successful defense at the HSE Expert Council.

13th ANR-Lab Summer School "Network Analysis and Contemporary Decision Sciences"

From August 1 to September 3, the 13th summer school of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research "Network Analysis and Contemporary Decision Sciences" was held. More than 50 people took part in the school. The program was based on the courses "Introduction to Social Network Analysis", "Advanced Social Network Analysis" and "Contemporary Decision Science". The classes were taught by professors from Ljubljana, Vladimir Batagelj and Luka Kronegger, as well as ANR-Lab employees Dina Yakovleva and Daria Maltseva.

Daria Maltseva is the recipient of the Tier 3 bonus

The head of the ANR-Lab, Daria Maltseva, was given the Tier 3 bonus for publishing in international peer-reviewed refereed journals for 2022-2023.

ANR-Lab’s minor “Applied and network analytics”

Since September 2022, ANR-Lab continues to train 3rd year students at the “Applied and Network Analytics” minor.

ANR-Lab members at Sunbelt 2022

On July 12-16, the XLII Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis Sunbelt took place. Laboratory members made presentations at the conference. 

Summer School of the HSE Centre for Sociocultural Research

ANR-Lab members Daria Maltseva and Stanislav Moiseev took part in the XII Summer School of the Centre for Sociocultural Research "Cross-cultural research design development" for students, graduate students and academic staff, which took place in Zvenigorod from June 26 to July 1.

ANR-Lab at the NetGlow 2022

On June 22-24, the conference “Networks in the Global World: Structures in Time. Relational Dynamics in European Societies and Beyond” was held. Laboratory staff presented their reports within the framework of thematic sessions. 

XII Summer School of the Center for Sociocultural Research "Development of cross-cultural research design"

The XII Summer School of the Center for Sociocultural Research "Development of the design of cross-cultural research" was held for undergraduates, graduate students and research and teaching staff, which was held this year in Zvenigorod from June 26 to July 1.

Daria Maltseva is the new Head of ANR-Lab

Since April 2022, Daria Maltseva has become the Head of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research. She took over the position of Valentina Kuskova, the founder and ideological inspirer of the laboratory. We talked with the "new" and "old" leaders - remembered how it all began, what the laboratory has achieved in almost 9 years of its existence, and what plans its employees have for the future.

On April 7-8, within the framework of the Yasin (April) Conference, the section "Network Analysis" was held 

On April 5-22, 2022, the XXII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development organized by NRU HSE takes place. Within the conference framework, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research traditionally organized a section, "Network Analysis," addressed to various theoretical and empirical studies from different disciplines, based on applying theoretical and methodological approaches from the field of network analysis. 

ANR-Lab employees received gratitude from the university administration

On December 24, a solemn event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the International Laboratories project was held, where ANR-Lab employees Daria Maltseva, Dmitry Zaytsev, and Gregory Khvatsky received awards from the university administration.

Laboratory staff took part in the 5th European conference on social networks EUSN 2021

The conference was held online on September 6-10 and brought together sociologists, statisticians, computer and science specialists, economists, humanitarians, and scientists from all fields related to network science. The conference presented current results and the latest methodological developments in the field of social network analysis.

Stanislav Moiseev took part in the 15th conference organized by the European Sociological Association ESA 2021

The conference of the European Sociological Association was held online from August 31 to September 3 and attracted over 3,800 participants. The main focus of the event was sociological knowledge for an alternative future.

ANR-Lab employees took part in the Networks2021 conference

On July 5-10, Networks2021 was held – joint conference of Sunbelt and NetSci, the main international conferences on network analysis and network science. Nine laboratory members made oral and poster presentations at the conference and took part in workshops within the conference framework.

Daria Maltseva is the winner of the competition for grants from the Russian Science Foundation

We congratulate the Deputy Head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva on winning the 2021 RSF grant competition for young scientists.

ANR-Lab employees took part in the STS Italia Conference

On June 17-19, the 8th STS Italia International Conference "Dis/Entangling Technoscience" was held, dedicated to the interaction between technoscience and society. Seven ANR-Lab members made presentations in the track "The New Role of R&D Networks and Evaluation Processes in the Time of "Big Science.""

On April 15-16, within the framework of the April conference, the section "Network Analysis" was held

On April 13-23, 2021, the XXII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development organized by NRU HSE was held. Within the conference framework, the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research traditionally organized a section, "Network Analysis," addressed to various theoretical and empirical studies from different disciplines, based on applying theoretical and methodological approaches from the field of network analysis.

Daria Maltseva is a winner of the HSE Science Foundation Competition

The academic achievements of Daria Maltseva, Deputy Head of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research, were recognized in the HSE Science Foundation competition framework. Congratulations to Daria and her co-author, prof. Vladimir Batagelj with the recognition of their research results and the received academic allowance of the 3rd level for two years.

We are at the International Conference NetGlow'2020

The conference 'Networks in the Global World' was held online on July 7-9, 2020. ANR-Lab members and MANSA graduates participated in the conferece sessions. ANR-Lab held its own session on scientific networks.

Online Section on Network Analysis at the HSE 2020 April Conference

On April 20-21, the two-day online section “Network Analysis” was held as part of the XXI April International Scientific Conference on the Problems of Economic and Social Development, organized by the International laboratory of applied network research. Both days were fruitful and rich in scientific communication: the section brought together researchers from different cities of Russia, Slovenia and the USA.

MASNA students were awarded diplomas of winners of HSE student research competition - 2019

On March 4, 2020, in the Durasov’s house in the building on Pokrovsky Boulevard, an award ceremony for the winners of the HSE student research competition - 2019 was held, where Ekaterina Melianova and Kirill Lesnykh, students of the master's programme "Applied Statistics with Network Analysis", were awarded.

Students of MASNA programme and members of ANR-Lab are the winners and laureates of the Student Research Paper Competition held by HSE University

Ekaterina Melianova, Kirill Lesnykh and Marya Vorobyova are the winners and laureates of the HSE Student Research Paper Competition. Congratulations to our students and colleagues and their scientific supervisors Irina Zangieva and Daria Maltseva on winning the competition.

Darya Maltseva's internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana

In December 1-28, 2019, Daria Maltseva had an internship at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana.

ANR-Lab at the international workshop ARS'2019 in Salerno

The 7th international workshop on the analysis of social networks was held on October 29-31 in Salerno, Italy. The workshop was about multilayer, multilevel and multimode networks. Some of our laboratory members and students of the master's program presented the results of their research on the thematic sessions.

Workshops, webinars and meetups on applied data analysis and network research: new meeting formats in ANR-Lab and MASNA

This fall, we are restarting our meetings in new formats: following organizational expansion, the time has come to expand the types of activities we offer that are open to the general public.

ANR-Lab at the 4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019)

ANR-Lab members took part in the 4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), whichwas held on September 9-12 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Daria Maltseva at the 14th European Sociological Association Conference 2019 in Manchester, UK

Daria Maltseva took part in the 14th European Sociological Association Conference 2019, which was held on August 20-23 in Manchester, UK.

10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and International Workshop on Scientific Networks

ANR-Lab, jointly with the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, has conducted the 10th International Summer School “Analysis of Scientific Networks” and the International Workshop on Scientific Networks.

ANR-Lab at XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference

ANR-Lab members took part in the main event in the field of social network analysis – XXXIX SunbeltSocial Networks Conference in Montreal, Canada.

Anja Žnidaršič's visit to ANR-Lab

Anja Žnidaršič' (PhD, University of Maribor, Slovenia) has visited ANR-Lab according to the HSE International Scholar's Visit Program.

Workshop "Analysis of Bibliometric Networks" at Tomsk State University

On June 10 and 11, Daria Maltseva, Deputy Laboratory Head, and Anja Žnidaršič, PhD University of Maribor, Slovenia, organized a workshop "Analysis of Bibliometric Networks" at Tomsk State University.

ANR-Lab at the XX April International Scientific Conference of the Higher School of Economics

At the XX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, ANR-Lab organized its own section "Network Analysis". 

Daria Maltseva made a presentation at the “Sredin Seminar” at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Ljubljana

On November 21 and 28, ANR-Lab senior research fellow Daria Maltseva made a presentation at the “Sredin Seminar” (No. 1282/1283) at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Ljubljana.

Daria Maltseva at the 15`th Applied Statistics International Conference in Slovenia

Deputy Head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva took part in the 15th International Conference on Applied Statistics, which was held on September 23-26 in Ribno, Bled (Slovenia).

Laboratory staff at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg

Employees of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research took part in the annual conference of the European Consortium for Political Studies, which was held on August 22-25 in Hamburg, Germany.

ANR-Lab at NetGlow`2018 in St.Petersburg

Members of the International laboratory for Applied Network Research took part at the Conference “Networks in the Global World. Principles behind Structures: Patterns of complexity in European societies and beyond”, which was held on July 4-6 in St. Petersburg.

ANR-Lab at the conference “New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World” in Croatia

ANR-Lab members took part at the 2nd International Statistical Conference in Croatia (ISCCRO`18) “New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World”, which was organized by the Croatian Statistical Association (CSA) and took place in Croatia, Opatija on May 10-11th.

We are at the conference "Networks 4.0. The Speed of Changes»

ANR-Lab members took part in the open stand up conference “Networks 4.0. The Speed of Changes”, which took place on April 13 at the “Boiling Point ASI”.

Session «Mixed Methods in Network Analysis» at the conference «Networks in the Global World» in St. Petersburg: call for participation  

The members of ANR-Lab and LCSR HSE will organize the session «Mixed Methods in Network Analysis» at the conference"Networks in the global world", which will take place on July 4 – 6, 2018 in St. Petersburg. 

22nd Young Statisticians Meeting in Zagreb (Croatia)

Senior Researcher of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research Daria Maltseva took part in the 22nd Young Statisticians Meeting, which was held on October 13-15, 2017 in Zagreb, Croatia.

How we spent the summer: 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association

ANR-Lab members took part in 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association «(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities», which took place from August 29th to September 1st in Athens, Greece.

Our session at SUNBELT 2017 in Beijin

Members of the ANR-Lab have organized its own session “SNA in Russia: Progress and Prospects” at the XXXVII SUNBELT CONFERENCE of the INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS, which took place in Beijin, China from May 30 till Jine 4.

Our session at ARS 2017

On May 16-17 in Naples (Italy) the Sixth International Workshop on Social Network Analysis “Challenges in Social Network Research” took place, where ANR-Lab organized its session.

Internship at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana

From March 1 to May 27, Senior Researcher of the ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva trains at the Center for Methodology and Informatics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana

Urgent Problems of Modern Society

Daria Maltseva took part in the conference “Urgent Problems of Modern Society” in Novosibirsk

Networks of interactions of Russian sociologists: the connection between generations

ANR-members took part in the conference “Russian Sociological Community: History, Present, and the Place in International Social Science”

Networks in the Global World

ANR-Lab memebers took part in the conference “Networks in the Global World-2016. Multiple Structures and Dynamics: Applications of Network Analysis to European Societies and Beyond”

Nets in Nizhny Novgorod

Valentina Kuskova and Daria Maltseva took part in The Sixth International Conference on Network Analysis NET 2016

“SNA in Russia: Progress and Prospects” 

International Laboratory for Applied Network Research has held a section “SNA in Russia: Progress and Prospects” at SUNBELT-2016 Conference

Research and Study Group "Network methods and models in text mining": series of the seminars in October-December 2015

In October 2015 Research and Study Group "Network methods and models in text mining" resumed conducting its seminars. The head of the Group is Galina V. Gradoselskaya, assistant professor of the Department of Sociological Research Methods of the School of Sociology and leading research fellow of the International laboratory for Applied Network Research of HSE. The main purpose of the Group is to develop new methods of analysis of textual and communicative information. Seminars are held in Russian in the usual format - presentations of participants, group discussion and Q&A. 

The workshop on research advances in social and semantic networks «Network Theory and Methods: Combining Structure, Content and Meanings?», August 31 - September 1, the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Senior researcher of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research Daria Maltseva participated in the workshop on research advances in social and semantic networks «Network Theory and Methods: Combining Structure, Content and Meanings?», which took place on August 31 - September 1 at the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


The ANR-Lab researchers attended the 12th conference of the European Sociological Association ESA-2015 «Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination», which was held in Prague, Czech Republic, in August 25 - August 28, 2015.


The ANR-Lab staff attended the XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA).