Our Courses
Improving Conversational Russian (special course for Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels) This course is aimed, as it can be seen from its name, at improving conversational skills of thosestudents who have already learned Russian and have achieved pre-intermediate or intermediatelevel, have solid grammar skills, however is experiencing difficulties or lack of practice inspoken Russian. The course will help the students to speak Russian more fluently, break speaking barriers, enrichtheir language knowledge with new vocabulary, take part in discussions on various topics atupper-intermediate and even advanced level. Particular attention is paid to discussions, paired and group work of students in the classroom tomake the lessons more interesting and help students to learn and repeat the relevant lexicon. Students are also encouraged to work independently (home assignments, presentations, etc.). |
Russian Through Drama (special course for ANY level)
Acting skills and the art of drama require a lot of work with language, conversations, and memory. In this course, multiple traditional language exercises are structured around staging a play based on Russian folk tales, with humor and a modern twist added. Students will not only improve their proficiency in the Russian language, but also learn about Russian mentality and culture. The course will culminate in a theatrical production in Russian, each student takes part in a way appropriate to their Russian level.
Level 1 - ELEMENTARY We start from learning Russian alphabet, learn about pronunciation and intonation in Russian. We only deal with present and past tense, and just touch other tenses a bit. We start getting to know Russian cases. |
Level 2 - ELEMENTARY-HIGH We learn all cases (in their most frequent usages and most common forms), progress in verb conjugation, and enrich vocabulary. |
Level 3 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE We review the case system, add information about plural forms, about different exceptions, practice adjectives in all cases and numbers. Review verb conjugation forms, learn about different forms of pronouns. |
Level 4 - INTERMEDIATE-LOW We speak about verbal aspect and verbs of motion. We learn about different types of future tense. We add up to our knowledge of cases for nouns and pronouns with some special usages, we learn how to speak not about ourselves, but also about the world around us. |
Level 5 - INTERMEDIATE-HIGH We go deep into verbal aspect, practice verbs of motion with different prefixes; learn about conditionals, and about complex sentences. We learn how to speak in Russian about news, society, politics, environmental issues, generation gaps, etc. |
Level 6 - ADVANCED (elective) Russian Communication Style In this course, we study different styles of the Russian language, practice them in dialogues and writing exercises, as well as listen to podcasts and record our own. You should be ready to work in groups, in pairs, and record your own podcasts in Russian. We also discuss the cultural background and read some classic Russian literature. This course does not focus on grammar but still covers a few grammar topics according to the group's needs. Talking Business As one can see from the name of this advanced course, it will be interesting to those of students who want to improve and practice their skills in Russian in the sphere of business relations. Students will read articles from Russian business magazines and websites, have in-class discussions of news in economy and markets, study start-up cases, interact and role-play, and learn more about business in Russian together with advanced Russian lexis and grammar. Communicative Grammar This course will be interesting for those who want to get a grip on the Advanced Russian grammar of the B2-C1 levels with a focus on reading and discussion. The course covers the general topics related to lifetime experience, such as job hunting, stress, and mental health, family and relations, technology, and the future, modern art. We will work on complicated grammatical constructions (comparison, cause, and effect, etc.), as well as with prefixed verbs (for example, how does “зарабатывать” differ from “подрабатывать”, “сработать”, etc.). Please be ready for discussions in class and self-studying at home. This course focuses on Russian publicistic style as it is presented nowadays in modern Russian mass media. The thematic content sheds light on different aspects of modern Russian society, politics, lifestyle, global issues and business. The reading and listening comprehension tasks and agenda are dependent upon the current situation and oriented on up-to-date information. Get ready for the drama! In this course we will be exploring Russian language and contemporary Russian culture through reading literary works, watching films, going to the theater, and acting out being Russians. You will develop your reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills along with improving your grammar. Viktor Pelevin, Liudmila Petrushevskaya, Daniil Kharms, Nikolai Erdman: these are some of the authors wу are going to read. “Pro liubov’”, “Neliubov’’, “Kin-dza-dza!” are some of the movies we are going to watch and discuss. Russian in Mass Media
This course focuses on Russian publicistic style as it is presented nowadays in modern Russian mass media. The thematic content sheds light on different aspects of modern Russian society, politics, lifestyle, global issues and business. The reading and listening comprehension tasks and agenda are dependent upon the current situation and oriented on up-to-date information.
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