Reports from members of the Russia KLEMS group at the XXII April Conference
On April 14, at the A-14-4 session “Productivity, growth and human capital”, organized jointly by HSE University and the International Association for the Study of Income and Well-being (together with the section "Social Policy"), Ksenia Bobyleva and Anton Tolokonnikov presented their reports.
Anton Tolokonnikov presented his research on "Industrial Policy and Intersectoral Interactions in the Russian Economy". The paper examines the role of state policy in the Russian economy. The state, trying to eliminate market failures with its policies, often worsens resource allocation and harms the economy. However, government policies can have a positive effect on resource allocation, for example, by subsidizing some businesses and industries. How to stimulate economic growth by changing the sectoral structure of subsidies? The study assessed public policy for the Russian economy as a whole, and not for individual firms.
Ksenia Bobyleva's study is the first to compare the contribution of various types of intangible assets to the growth of the Russian economy and the economies of OECD countries.In Russia and the OECD, the contribution of R&D is higher in the manufacturing sector compared to market services. Intangible assets not related to R&D (for example, organizational capital, advertising) dominate in the services sector.In contrast to OECD economies, in the Russian economy, the contribution of intangible assets in market services is significantly higher than in the manufacturing sector. The contribution of intangible assets of market services to the aggregate growth of intangible assets in Russia is 0.19 p.p., which is six times higher than their contribution in manufacturing. In the OECD, this difference is not so noticeable.
Presentation Anton Tolokonnikov
Presentation Ksenia Bobyleva