"Demoscope Weekly" ## 797-798
In the issue:
Russian Demographic Barometer: Russia’s older generations. Gender equality will come in 108 years. Russia is the world’s HIV testing champion. A Simple Measure of Human Development: The Human Life Indicator. How is internal migration reshaping metropolitan populations in Latin America? A new method and new evidence. Has grandmother lived for that many years?
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 783-784
In the issue:
Migration in Russia, results of the first half of 2018. How the Trial census works. Rosstat chief on Trial census. Questionnaire for Trial census 2018. World Suicide Prevention Day. Congratulations on the anniversary of Irina Alekseevna Troitskaya.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 709-710
Current topic: Such is old age…
In the issue: “Normal labor potential” and age discrimination. Labor activity of the retirement-age population as a factor of social and economic development of the territory. Labor activity of a population’s “third age” in conditions of demographic aging of the population (using the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)). The social exclusion of older age groups: socio-economic aspects.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 667-668
Current topic: The third age: social well-being.
In the issue: Factors of inequality at the micro level. The “caring home”: caring for elderly relatives and problems of living together. The attitude to aging through the prism of the attitude to death. Potential segments of the population for expanding the customer base of commercial banks in the face of an aging population.