"Demoscope Weekly" ## 739-740
Current topic: What the experience of family policy teaches
In the issue: The comparative effectiveness of family benefits in Europe. A family-friendly workplace: political initiatives, the employer’s position and types of support for workers with family responsibilities. “We just live together”: Cohabitation in modern Russia.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 701-702
Current topic: Family policy in developed countries.
In the issue: Employment of mothers in the first years of a child’s life: a review of studies of its impact on children’s development. The birth of a child as a factor in the income security of women. How large is Russia’s “motherhood penalty”?. Dynamics of total income and subjective perception of the material condition of Russian women in the first years after a child’s birth. Family policy in connection with fertility and the wellbeing of families with children. A data analysis by country.