Demographic Review #2
In the issue: Rising life expectancy in Russia of the 2000s. Mortality of children under 1 year old in Russia: what has changed after the transition to the new definition of live birth and stillbirth. Old-age mortality from external causes of death in Russia. Migration and HIV risks: women from Central Asia in the Russian Federation. Is fertility converging across the member states of the European Union? Evaluating public health on the basis of census information.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 617-618
Current topic: Uzbekistan: current demographic trends
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 615-616
Current topic: Assisted Reproductive Technology: modernity helping tradition
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 613-614
Current topic: Family values of Russians and Europeans
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 611-612
Current topic: Moscow and Muscovites
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 609-610
Current topic: Orphanhood in Russia
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 607-608
Current topic: Money income inequality in Russia
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 605-606
Current topic: Migrants through the eyes of Muscovites
Demographic Review #1
Here is the first issue of the new journal "Demographic Review". We consider the establishment of the journal an important event in the life of our professional community, as well as of the entire community of social scientists.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 603-604
Current topic: Pedestrians on the road