The results of the master class of Kuznetsov Kirill Vladimirovich “Data sources for the study of economic behavior of households”
Last Tuesday, on the basis of the educational program “Population and Development”, Kuznetsov Kirill, an employee of the A.G. Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, held a master class “Data sources for the study of economic behavior of households”. You can read more on the results of the event here.
"Migration and its impact on the socio-economic development of the countries of destination and origin of migrants on the example of Tajikistan"
On September 20, a master class "Migration and its impact on the socio-economic development of the countries of destination and origin of migrants on the example of Tajikistan" was held on the educational program "Population and Development". The main speaker of the event was an expert from Tajikistan, researcher at the Institute of Economics and Demography of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, intern from the UNFPA at the HSE, Murodov Miramon Kosimovich
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 945 - 946
In the issue:
Migration of Ukrainians to the European Union, 2008-2020. The share of medicines in the Russian consumer basket has increased. Attitudes towards the Russian Orthodox Church and the Patriarch. How much money do Russians need to be happy? British women asked about menopause. Denial of COVID-19 and resistance to measures to combat it: qualitative and quantitative research of communities in social networks.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 897 - 898
In the issue:
Russian demographic barometer. The best age for the birth of a first child. Women become aware of their independence from parents earlier than men. Mass health examination: how to stay healthy? Only a quarter of Russians trust telemedicine.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 835-836
In the issue:
International migration according to UN estimates for 2019. A decent pension, according to Russians, is 40 thousand rubles a month. Wanderlust: what for and why? Ideas about modern medicine. Russian schoolchildren: political, sexual and career preferences. “Demographic trends in Russia: legacy of the Soviet era or a new turn?” International Conference of the International Laboratory for the Study of Population and Health and of the Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economics.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 821-822
In the issue:
World Population according to UN 2019 Revision estimates. Ministry of Labour proposes to shorten the list of professions prohibited for women. Sexual education does not lead to early sex, but helps protect adolescent health. New UN-Women report proposes program to eliminate gender inequality in families. Treatable sexually transmitted infections.
"Demoscope Weekly" ## 795-796
In the issue:
World demographic barometer. Global HIV epidemic: estimates and trends 2018, regional aspects. Marriage norms. Sale of alcohol: what is the optimal “age of consent”? How often women experience violence. Immigration to Russia: a blessing or a curse? Demographic behavior in France of migrants from post-Soviet Russia. Lecture series of prof. R. Gal (Hungary) and leading domestic experts on National Transfer (Intergenerational) Accounts. Epidemiological studies of the phenomenon of Russian mortality. Infant mortality in the Russian Empire: facts and explanations. Deaths during the New Year holidays.
Lectures held by Mikhail B. Denisenko in the University of Naples Federico II
Department of Political Sciences announces lectures held by Mikhail B. Denisenko (Associate Professor in Demography and Head of Department of Demography at the Higher School of Demography, Moscow) within the Master Degree in International Relations.