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Quality Assurance: Internal Evaluation

About Internal Quality Assurance System

The internal quality assurance system to evaluate the quality of educational activities and learner’s instruction under degree programmes (hereinafter “internal system for quality assurance”) is in place at HSE University as per the University’s internal bylaws regulating the drafting and amendments to degree programmes’ documentation, as well as the provision of support to those processes underlying educational activities under respective degree programmes.

The objective of internal quality assurance is to improve degree programmes (hereinafter “DP”) and foster conditions, whereby violations of the requirements specified in respective educational standards for the provision of higher education, as developed and implemented by HSE University, (hereinafter the “ES”) would be impossible.

Internal system for quality assurance shall include elements ensuring the following:

  1. Evaluation of the learning environment, as well as teaching and study content and materials;
  2. Evaluation of the quality of learning activities on the part of a student and learning outcomes attained by them;
  3. Feedback from students and teachers;
  4. Evaluation of the quality of the teaching staff.

Internal quality assurance draws upon the principles, set out in the following document: Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in European Higher Education– ESG

Key principles:

  • Teachers must possess testing and assessment methods and advance their skills in these fields;
  • The criteria and methods for assessments shall be published in advance;
  • Assessments must demonstrate the level to which the student has attained an expected learning outcome. An examinee shall receive feedback and, if necessary, advice on the learning process;
  • Whenever possible, examinations shall be administered by more than one examiner;
  • Assessments must be consistent and fair in relation to all students and be conducted as per the set rules;
  • Official appeals procedures must be put in place.

Description of elements of the internal system for quality assurance of educational activities and training of HSE University degree students

Adherence of elements of the internal system for quality assurance to ESG principles


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