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I.A. Ilyins doctrine of state

Student: Zolotopupov Evgenij

Supervisor: Anastasija S. Tumanova

Faculty: Faculty of Law

Educational Programme: Master

Year of Graduation: 2014

<div class="yt-area-textbox yt-area-textbox__textbox" id="dstTextBox" tabindex="0">During dissertation research confirmed the validity of the use of special terminology I.A. Ilyin. Philosopher views the state as a corporate perpetual Union of people United by a common socio-cultural values, seeking to improve joint life by establishing and maintaining a just rule of law and the functioning of the Supreme sovereign power in certain spatial limits. Based on the analysis of political and legal views I.A. Ilyina, as a General rule, the right is a need public order arising from the nature of the human person and do not depend on the arbitrary discretion of the person.<br />The fundamental principles of political organization of society are fundamental layer concept of statehood I.A. Ilyin, this form of governance and territorial arrangement, the public regime are determined taking into account individual preferences and mental characteristics specific national-ethnic groups; defining role in the organization moral upbringing of the human person belongs to the religious institutions, located in a separate location from the structure of the state apparatus, but ensuring compliance with the universal moral requirements when determining the normative content of the array in the state. Moral and dogmatic foundations of socio-cultural community, unity of moral values is a necessary precondition of creation of the special statehood on each civilizational space.<br />Moreover, highlighted the distinctive features of the national idea in the view I.A. Ilyin, allowing to distinguish between the concept with related political and legal categories: national mythology and national feelings (the sources of origin), the national theory (according to the degree of scientific substantiation; the style of presentation; by subjects), national interests (in the level of temporary actualization; prevalence; on purpose), the national ideal (on the level of detail of the target), the idea of the nation (the object).<br />We also determined the functional purpose of the national idea in view of the political and legal views I.A. Ilyin: merge, disciplining, clearinterval, explanation, transformation, socialization.<br />Ideological values are unique for each socio-cultural community, there is a need to develop effective methodological tools for qualitative transformation of existing reality, is unacceptable in the reform of the economic life of the society limited monosyllabic borrowing foreign order.<br />Build the mechanism of legal regulation in the state should be taking into account national peculiarities of the socio-cultural community that will form a suitable methodological apparatus and instruments to mitigate the negative consequences of deviant behavior of the subjects of legal relations, as well as to ensure effective prevention measures in socially useful direction. In this regard, we note that it is appropriate to introduce into scientific circulation the following legal category: moral foundations of national law. It is in the spectrum of the particular perception of the socio-cultural community legal order, as well as focusing on the socio-cultural peculiarities of national groups, should be social and legal transformations in the social life.<br />At the end of the master&#39;s dissertation in order to ensure a comprehensive, impartial and full research of the concept of gosudarstvovaniya I.A. Ilyina attention was drawn to the comparative analysis of the scientific heritage of the Russian philosopher and doctrinal development of other political and legal schools: Marxism, liberalism, moralism, legal positivism, sociological positivism.<br />Thus, in the framework of the thesis produced theoretical understanding of the conceptual modeling of state building through the prism of political and legal teachings I.A. Ilyina, based on legal principles in society and led by unified national ideological values.</div>

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