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Symptomatic Vocabulary in Russian and English Languages

Student: Petrenko Anna

Supervisor: Valentina Apresyan

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: Fundamental and Computational Linguistics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2017

Emotions are one of the most complex human systems. Every person experiences a huge amount of emotions every day, even if he or she himself or herself does not suspect about it. Some emotions can be close and similar to each other, and others can be diametrically opposed and different from each other. Emotions have been studied by both foreign and native scientists for many years. In this research paper, the author aims to analyze different constructions with emotions, create statistics of their use, and follow the use of certain constructions (for example, the construction of emotions with prepositions). Using statistical methods and analyzing the corpuses of Russian and English languages, the author receives some data that then systematize and as the result we get some new information about emotions. These new results are discordant with the prevailing ideas about the manifestation of emotions and their description in Russian and English languages. Thus, we refute the conventional understandings of emotions. The work's structure consists of an introduction with the main points such as the purpose, object and subject of research, scientific novelty and relevance of the study. Then there is the main part which includes paragraphs about the common information about all of the clusters and detailed description of every clusters. Moreover, there is a part about emotional metaphors. The second part is a conclusion with our findings. At the end of the research paper, there are some tables in the application, which clearly demonstrate our results.

Full text (added May 30, 2017)

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