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The Perception of the Barista Profession Inside and Outside the Professional Community in Moscow

Student: Sidorova Alexandra

Supervisor: Natalya Voronina

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Sociology (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2019

The study is devoted to the study of the perception of the barista profession outside and inside the professional community. This research is related to the recent development of the coffee house market in Moscow, which has led to the development of the barista profession, its development and distribution. Now for the development of this profession a large number of educational centers are being formed - barista schools, championships in various disciplines, professional training under the influence of the World Barista Association, but this topic is very poorly covered in the literature. Coffee houses are differentiated by the quality of making coffee drinks, methods of collecting and processing the available grain, therefore, more and more barista around the world choose this employment not only for the student period, but devote a sufficient part of their lives to it, improving their knowledge and skills in the coffee industry. However, there is an assumption that workers in this field perceive their profession differently from ordinary visitors to coffee shops, due to the unification of all professions in the service sector and their equal perception among non-professionals. All events in the world of coffee culture, though broadcast on the Internet, but they are known in narrow circles of people. Employed in other areas, workers may not see the development of this profession, and some do not even know who the barista is. In connection with this situation, it was decided to check whether there are differences in the perception of the barista profession among workers in this field and non-professionals by conducting a three-level study, including observation, a mini-interview and an online survey, and analyze the information received. The analysis identified differences in perception in the two groups of respondents, dependence on gender and experience in this area. At the same time, the differences were identified from the second stage of the analysis; at subsequent stages, the differences were confirmed.

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