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Portfolio Optimization and Strategy Development in the Seasonal Gift set Market

Student: Malitskiy Semen

Supervisor: Dmitry Tretyak

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Retail Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2020

The following thesis is written on 87 pages and contains introduction, three chapters devoted to the theories of developing strategies and optimizing company portfolio analysis, market research of gift sets, emperical research, conclusion, and applications. The aim of this work is to optimize the Old Spice giftset product portfolio and develop a strategy for the company on a seasonal gift set market. The object of the study in this work is the portfolio and current strategy of the Old Spice brand in the gift set market. The subject of this study is a system of qualitative and quantitative assessments of the consumers' factors of choice of gift sets. The introduction describes the relevance of the work, the information base of this study, the purpose and objectives of the study. The first chapter describes theoretical approaches to developing a sales and promo strategies of companies, as well as optimizing a brand’s product portfolio. The second chapter shows the analysis of the giftset market on behalf of the market of consumer goods. The third chapter describes the goals and objectives of a quantitative study conducted by using an online survey. The results of the study are described. The final recommendation to the brand on optimizing the product portfolio and both - sales and promo strategies development is made. The final part of this thesis briefly summarizes the findings of the study.

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