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Measuring the Progress in Students' Reading Literacy Skills from Primary to Secondary Education

Student: Zaytseva Anastasiya

Supervisor: Inna Antipkina

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Measurements in Psychology and Education (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2021

The paper is devoted to measuring the progress in reading literacy of students in the transition from primary school to the secondary education. The results of reading literacy tests in the 4th grade and in the 6th grade are linked in order to measure the progress of students. The paper presents the theories and features of reading assessment. Based on the empirical data, the methodology of linking with pseudo-common items is described and used, as well as vertical linking using Rasch Partial credit model. The results demonstrate that the reding progress is less than expected. The limitations of the study are described and possible improvements of the methodology of progress measurement are suggested.

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