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Projects and Research


Project activity (projects) – a separate type of specially organized, independent activity of students within the OP, which is regulated by the Regulations on Project, Research and Practice of Students of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics". 

The project work is aimed at gaining experience of self-organization, to consolidate or develop practical knowledge and skills necessary in further professional activity. Projects are implemented during the whole period of training, in the time specified individually for each project and not tied to the modular system.

Detailed information about projects is available in the Study Process Guide.

In accordance with the Study Plan, the 2nd year students of the program in 1-3 modules perform mandatory projects. The weight of the Project – 5 credits. The base of Projects is formed by the Academic Supervisor of the program. For the Project is evaluated in the session week of module 3. Non-compliance with the Project is considered an academic debt.

Academic indebtedness on projects arises in the following cases:

  • if a student refuses to execute a project without objective reasons;
  • receiving an unsatisfactory grade for a project included in the student's individual study plan;
  • failing to complete a project for the total number of credits recommended in the program's curriculum at the time of state final attestation.

Documentation and reporting materials

The project manager determines the list and type of reporting materials for a particular project. The recommended format for research and application projects is the report/diary of the project.

Recommended form of the Report and Evaluation Sheet (DOCX, 19 Kb) 

Report structure

If the project is proactive, the terms of reference (project proposal) developed by the project manager must be agreed with the Academic Supervisor. As a result of project implementation, it is necessary to submit an evaluation sheet to the Study Office.

General Information and Dates General Information and Dates

[1] Project Activities Report must be finalized (signed, submitted and uploaded) by MARCH 30th, 2021 01:00PM. Only 'soft' copy is needed

 [2] The project (folder) Project Activities Report – softcopy was created for uploading copies of reports; NO e-mailing, please – only uploaded copies are considered in the context of the amount of work required to complete the Project activity

 [3] By the date (30.03) mentioned above a softcopy of the report (WITH ALL SIGNATURES REQUIRED) is uploaded to LMS. Thus, - the name of the course: 160221 Исследовательский проект; - the title of the only active folder: Project Activities Report - softcopy; PDF is the preferred format for the uploading report(s)).

 [4] Please, note that the softcopy of the report contains scans of signatures.

 [5] Text of the report MUST follow the template (see the clause 'Links (sources)' in LMS); the document covers all necessary details concerning the title page, the structure of the report (its sections), recommendations related to reference list styles (IEEE, APA) to use