Practical Training
Practical training of the students is a form of organization of educational activities in the development of the educational program in terms of performance of certain types of work associated with future professional activities and aimed at the formation, consolidation, development of practical skills and competencies in the profile of the relevant educational program. Achievement of the goals and tasks of practical training is carried out through the implementation of elements of practical training (EPT). The implementation of practical training for HSE students is provided in the module of the curriculum "Internship".
Scientific and Research Internship
Internship position in the "System and Software Engineering" master's programme curriculum
The curriculum of the "System and Software Engineering" master's programme consists of the following types of industrial, project and research work:
- scientific and research seminar (1st and 2nd year of study)
- industrial (scientific-research) internship (in Summer-Autumn between 1st and 2nd year of study)
- project (2nd year)
- scientific-pedagogical internship (2-3 modules of the 2nd year of study)
- master thesis preparation (2nd year)
- Regulations for HSE Student Project Work, Research and Internships
General Information
All SSE students are to pass the Scientific and Research Internship.
Preparation Checkpoints
№ |
Checkpoint |
Deadline |
1 |
Contract submission |
at least 1 month before the start of your internship |
2 |
Timeline and Individual Task submission |
not later than 23.06.2022. |
3 |
Internship period (14 days) |
from 01.07.2022 to 20.10.2022 |
4 |
Internship reports submission |
not later than 20.10.2022. |
Students can do the Internship at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Higher School of Economics or in external organizations.
The internship may consist of (but not limited to):
- implementation of a research project on the subject of a future master's thesis;
- preparation of a scientific publication on a topic related to a master's thesis;
- work on other research tasks in coordination with the supervisor or academic director of the programme.
Deadline and Instructions
The internship should take place within 2 weeks (any) in the period from 01.07.2022 to 18.10.2022.
So if you leave Russia for vacancies you can do internship remotely or in Autumn.
Before the internship
- choose a place, topic and the supervisor of an internship. You can ask your coursework supervisor or perspective thesis supervisor to give you an internship assignment.
- together with the supervisor of the internship submit the internship schedule and assignment (to be signed by the student and the direct supervisor)
- submit your assignment in LMS before June 23, 2022 (hard copies of your assignment and schedule should be submitted with the report in October).
If your internship is not held in HSE, please attach a Contract with the external company. Please contact the study office for guidelines and assistance.
Not later than October 20, 2022 students are to submit to the study office the following documents:
- the original internship assignment and plan
- internship report
- review of the research supervisor
The criterion for the successful accomplishment of the internship is a positive review of the supervisor. The final evaluation is made by the academic head of the program on the basis of a report and the review.
All documents should be uploaded to google-drive.
Documents Templates
Internship Assignment (DOCX, 25 Kb)
Schedule (Plan) of the Internship (1) (DOCX, 15 Kb)
Internship Report (DOC, 36 Кб)
Internship Supervisor Review Eng (DOC, 35 Кб)
Course Project and Master's Thesis
Choosing a Topic for your Course project or Master's Thesis
Course project Defense
Master Thesis Deadlines
Course project_and_Thesis_Regulations (PDF, 479 Kb)
Regulations on Final State Certification (DOCX, 152 Kb)
Annex Final State Examination Schedule SSE (DOCX, 19 Kb)
Before May 20 – Providing the full text to the Supervisor
May 21, 18:00 – Uploading Master thesis text to LMS
May 25 – Sending Master’s Thesis to the reviewer
June – Master Thesis Defence (according to allocation in the comissions)
Provision of Course project/Master's Thesis hard copy is not required. All documents must be uploaded to the LMS.
Updated list of Course project and Master's Thesis Topics.
To get the approval of your Course Project topic (1st-year students) or Master Thesis topic (2nd-year students), follow the steps pointed out below:
(1A) You can use LMS (HSE Learning Management System) to see the list of topics offered and choose the topic of your interest. Please, don't hesitate to communicate with potential supervisors and ask for consultations (Instructions for LMS)
(1B) Choose the topic from the suggested topics for Course project and Masters Thesis list
Besides, you can propose initiative topic; think it over thoroughly to be ready to bring exact conceptions to a potential supervisor(s) you’ll talk to
(2) Get in touch with the supervisor and discuss the details of the chosen (proposed) topic
(3) Apply for the topic in LMS or fill out Google-form (e.g. in case your supervisor doesn't work with LMS) once the mutual ‘supervisor-student’ understanding and consent are achieved
(4) Prepare the application (hardcopy), sign it, also ask the supervisor to sign it and submit the final (signed) application form to the Office of MS Studies.
Course Project application form
Master's Thesis application form
Please, be informed that steps 3 and 4 MUST be finalized by November 20, 2022 as the latest – recommended completion date for this important phase is November 14-15th, 2022 (do not postpone everything for the last day!)
(5) Once all of the aforesaid steps are completed, 1st year MS students may start working on the Project (in 2022-2023 academic year defense of Project topics is a mandatory procedure to be held during the hours of "Software Engineering: Development Management-1" Research Seminar), however, 2nd year students must prepare presentations.
* Archive (not needed without fail now): Google-folder (only for presentation of Project topics)
NOTE [1st-year students]: Within the framework of the Research seminar “Software Engineering: Development Management-1” (1st year) students can be asked to present briefly their Project topics. It is a good opportunity to consider profoundly the topic, to answer questions, to rethink some of the initial ideas, etc.
NOTE [2st-year students]: Coursework project can be carried out in the form of
(A) Research work (project) or
(B) Course project (Practice-oriented / applied project)
In either form, it is considered as a Project activity of a student (MS program).
NOTE [both 1st and 2nd year students]: In case your Project topic or Master Thesis topic needs correction (even light one) or change (the issue is rather sensitive, and it MUST be discussed with supervisor first!), please let us know about it before May 01, 2023 as the latest. In that case, you need (A) to fill out Google-form first and (B) to submit a new application form (see links below) to the Office of MS Studies.
Application form - change Project topic / 1st-year students
Application form - change Master Thesis topic / 2nd-year students
Course project (Project activity / 1st year)
Course project and Thesis Regulations (SSE) (PDF, 242 Kb)
The final version of your course project report should be submitted to your supervisor before June 13
Course project title form
Upload your coursework to Smart LMS. The uploading option will be disabled on 23:59 June 20 (The Office of MS Studies checks your submission in our own anti-plagiarism system; in case you have more than 20% of borrowing, your supervisor must re-check the report and write explanatory note, the latter is handed over to the Office of MS Studies).
Be ready for the defense of the Project and the prepare full set of required documents.
The defense dates will be announced later
Presentation (slides) is required
At the defense of the work you should provide:
- Full text of the course project
- Your Supervisor's review of course project
(DOCX, 18 Кб) with his/her signature and the recommended grade
Course project and Thesis Regulations (SSE) (PDF, 242 Kb)
Master's Thesis (2nd year)
1. Pre-defense is an important part of your work; it stipulates a preparation of the report that covers the work completed by the time of its presentation and detailed explanation of the plan of the closing stage of the Thesis-related activity. You should prepare a presentation that follows the Template shown.
2. Deadlines to follow unconditionally:
before May 01 there is a chance to change the topic of Master Thesis, if needed (do everything in your power to use such possibility in case of real emergency only!)
before May 06 a student must submit the full text of the work (report) to his/her supervisor (in printed or electronic form as agreed with supervisor in person)
by May 24 a student must upload Master Thesis (report) to LMS
by June the full set of Master Thesis documents** must be submitted to the Study Office (according to allocation in the comissions) ** The full set of documents includes { (A) + (B) + (C) + (D) as indicated below }
June – Master Thesis Defence
(A) The text of Master Thesis (steepled hardcopy) with supervisor's signature on the title page
Master's Thesis title form
(B) The text of Master Thesis on USB flash drive or CD
(C) Review form filled in by thesis’ supervisor
Master thesis Supervisor review
(D) Annotation – a brief characteristics of student’s Master Thesis
Please, be informed that Study Office doesn’t accept under no circumstances incomplete set of documents!
3. External reviewing of the Master Thesis is an important step related to the work done. A student can contact appointed reviewer personally and discuss with him/her the procedure to hand over the work (and all supplementary materials, if any), but whatever the case is, the review form (report) must find itself in the Study Office before June.
Second reader's review
4. Plagiarism checking of submitted Master Theses is done by representatives of the Study Office using Turnitin system
Link: Turnitin – Preventing Plagiarism
In case the system reveals more than 20% of borrowing in the work (text), student’s supervisor should re-check the text once again and write explanatory note. The latter is submitted to the Study Office without delays and reminding.
5. The dates for Master thesis defense will be announced later.
In 2022 Master Thesis’ defense is planned to be carried out online and in accordance with the approved schedule of state examinations at meetings of State Certification Boards (SCB) in the appropriate field of study.
6. The guidelines for Master Thesis defense procedure are as follows:
- up to 20 minutes (15 min. for presentation + 5 min. for questions) are set aside for Specialist or Master’s Thesis defense;
- a student should present clearly and accurately, without reading from any pre-prepared written text, key points of his/her Thesis. Computer presentations, graphic material (tables, pictures, diagrams, etc.) or other visual accompanying sources can be used in the presentation to illustrate the work done and the results attained. After the presentation is completed, SCB members usually ask some questions that are related to both Thesis’ topic and respective domain of study (research). A student can advert to the text of his/her Thesis to answer the questions raised. To defend the thesis, a student shall obtain a review from his/her supervisor;
- after the discussion, a student shall present concluding remarks (closing speech) that embrace answers to issues summarized in the external reviewer’s report. Once the closing speech is over, the defense procedure of the Thesis is considered completed;
- SCB shall then make a decision on student’s final grade; such decision takes into account opinions and grades provided by (A) academic supervisor (quality of the work done, the text of the Thesis and its adherence to requirements), (B) external reviewer (quality of the work done, innovativeness of the topic/approaches used, their real-life applicability, as well as reasonability of the conclusions and recommendations, put forward by the Thesis’s author), and (C) SCB members concerning contents of the presented work thesis, defense qualification, quality of visual materials utilized, both completeness and exactness of answers to questions asked, and (A)+ (B) nuances expressed.
NOTE: The procedure that relates to Master Thesis’ preparation and defense is regulated by the document ‘Regulations for Term Papers and Theses Prepared by Students at the Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s level at HSE’
Projects and Research
Project activity (projects) – a separate type of specially organized, independent activity of students within the EP, which is regulated by the Regulations on Project, Research and Practice of Students of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics".
The project work is aimed at gaining experience of self-organization, to consolidate or develop practical knowledge and skills necessary in further professional activity. Projects are implemented during the whole period of training, in the time specified individually for each project and not tied to the modular system.
Detailed information about projects is available in the Study Process Guide.
In accordance with the Study Plan, the 2nd year students of the program in 1-3 modules perform mandatory projects. The weight of the Project – 5 credits. The base of Projects is formed by the Academic Supervisor of the program. For the Project is evaluated in the session week of module 3. Non-compliance with the Project is considered an academic debt.
Academic indebtedness on projects arises in the following cases:
- if a student refuses to execute a project without objective reasons;
- receiving an unsatisfactory grade for a project included in the student's individual study plan;
- failing to complete a project for the total number of credits recommended in the program's curriculum at the time of state final attestation.
Documentation and reporting materials
The project manager determines the list and type of reporting materials for a particular project. The recommended format for research and application projects is the report/diary of the project.
Recommended form of the Report and Evaluation Sheet (DOCX, 19 Kb)
Report structure
If the project is proactive, the terms of reference (project proposal) developed by the project manager must be agreed with the Academic Supervisor. As a result of project implementation, it is necessary to submit an evaluation sheet to the Study Office.
General Information and Dates General Information and Dates
[1] Project Activities Report must be finalized (signed, submitted and uploaded) by MARCH 30th, 2023 01:00PM. Only 'soft' copy is needed
[2] The project (folder) Project Activities Report – softcopy was created for uploading copies of reports; NO e-mailing, please – only uploaded copies are considered in the context of the amount of work required to complete the Project activity
[3] By the date (30.03) mentioned above a softcopy of the report (WITH ALL SIGNATURES REQUIRED) is uploaded to LMS. Thus, - the name of the course: 160221 Исследовательский проект; - the title of the only active folder: Project Activities Report - softcopy; PDF is the preferred format for the uploading report(s)).
[4] Please, note that the softcopy of the report contains scans of signatures.
[5] Text of the report MUST follow the template (see the clause 'Links (sources)' in LMS); the document covers all necessary details concerning the title page, the structure of the report (its sections), recommendations related to reference list styles (IEEE, APA) to use