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! HSE and Skoltech full-time students have to undertake an internship according to the regulations in a partner university.
Reports must be submitted to Skoltech.

! HSE-only full-time students and Skoltech visiting students have to undertake an internship according to the HSE regulations described below.
Reports must be submitted to Ilona Yakovleva - a program manager.

The curriculum of the "'Math of Machine Learning'" master's programme consists of the following types work:

  • Industrial/scientific-research internship (in Summer-Autumn between 1st and 2nd year of study)


General Information

All MLL students have to pass the Scientific and Research Internship.

Students can do the Internship at the Faculty of Computer Science of the Higher School of Economics or in external organizations. 

The internship may consist of (but not limited to):

  • implementation of a research project on the subject of a master's thesis;
  • preparation of a scientific article on a topic related to a master's thesis;
  • work on other research tasks.

Deadline and Instructions

The internship takes place within any 2 weeks in the period from 01.07.2023 to 15.10.2023.

Before the internship 

  • choose a place, topic and the supervisor of an internship.
You can ask your coursework supervisor or perspective thesis supervisor to give you an internship assignment or get a task from the company
  • together with the supervisor of the internship submit the internship schedule and assignment (to be signed by the student and the direct supervisor)

 If your internship is not held in HSE, please attach a Contract with an external company. 

 ! If the company where you plan to practice has already signed a contract with the FCS, you don't need to do it again.


Not later than October 22, 2023 are students to submit to the study office the following documents:

  • the original internship assignment and plan
  • internship report   
  • review of the supervisor  
The criterion for the successful accomplishment of the internship is a positive review of the supervisor. 

Documents Templates