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Address: 34 Tallinskaya Ulitsa, room 809
SPIN-RSCI: 1604-3336
ORCID: 0000-0001-8701-6459
ResearcherID: ABE-2739-2021
Google Scholar
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Monday, 14:00-19:00
A. Los
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Olga Rogacheva

  • Olga Rogacheva has been at HSE University since 2020.



HSE University

Awards and Accomplishments

Courses (2023/2024)


Article Рогачёва О. А. Алгоритм определения принадлежности кластера файлу формата JPEG с использованием сигнатур // Промышленные АСУ и контроллеры. 2021. № 2. С. 41-50. doi


Межвузовская научно-техническая конференция студентов, аспирантов и молодых специалистов им. Е.В. Арменского (Москва). Presentation: Задача восстановления сильно фрагментированных файлов

Employment history

Lecturer at MIEM National Research University - Higher School of Economics

September 2020 - Present. (Computer science, number theory, history of cryptography, programming languages, Python programming language)


Mentor on the course "Python developer" Yandex.Practice

July 2021 - Present.


Python developer

September 2017 - present.

Tutor in Mathematics, Computer Science and Programming

January 2013 - present.

- the basics of the Python programming language;

- data analysis in Python;

- mathematical disciplines;

- preparation for olympiads in mathematics, programming;

- preparation for exams in mathematics, computer science;

- preparation for entrance examinations in mathematics, computer science.

Computer science teacher

September 2015 - July 2016 Lancman School Network of Innovative Schools
- preparation for the exam in computer science (group of 4 people);

- preparation for the OGE in informatics (group of 3 people).

Academic Assistant at MIEM National Research University Higher School of Economics

January 2017 - January 2018 under the guidance of Associate Professor Burovsky E.A.

Timetable for today

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